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Everything posted by OSUGT

  1. cute cpi figure that doesnt include gas or food
  2. inflation BTW, your rational indicates you think the govt is actually giving me something. I think that's funny...it's my money to begin with.
  3. But yet you have no problem voting for a man who gives away everything you work so hard to get. No offense, but this reminds me of the Saturday Night Live Will Ferrell skit where he says, " I drive a Dodge Stratus! You will respect me!" I dont care what you do, and I've followed your story on here through the years. You have no problem asking the rest of us to kick in for the issues you encounter. It's just a difference of philosophy. BTW, I pay for Fire and Police protection so I have no problem calling them when I need them. You finance your so called "toys" with debt and then complain about insurance premiums. Priorities..plain and simple In other words, you still feel you have the right to have toys but expect the rest of the world to kick in on your medical insurance. I happen to disagree. No sense in opening up the medical insurance thread again. It just always seems to come back to that when you post in a political thread.
  4. Agreed, and the media plays it like conservatives dont want to help those who really need it. " Evil republicans with their dirty air and throwing grandma over the cliff."
  5. did you post this from one of the 13 MILLION obama phones? LOL
  6. This is all true. However, I think the major reason for buying at the end of the month has to do with sales people and sales managers trying to "make their month" Most managers are commissioned based on monthly performance based on gross. A good manager will try and squeeze as many deals in as he can. If there is daylight on a deal, it's going to get done. Most salespeople have monthly incentive bonuses they gun for. Your deal may put them at a unit level they need to make extra cash. You can best be sure that a good salesperson will be a bigger advocate for you at the end of the month. If you want to take it a step further, when you get to the lot, ask to deal with the guy who has the most units out for the month. You want to work with a guy who is motivated. Dont work with a chump who has one or two cars out. Your deal makes no difference to him financially.
  7. David, Honestly, your car is not going to get any dealer excited about trading. In other words, it's not a "game changer". It's really up to you. Is it worth the potential for a few hundred extra but having to deal with every "Tom, Dick and Harry" on CL calling you and standing you up? Best of luck on everything.
  8. Deposits are always refundable...dont let them tell you otherwise. U can usually lock in current rebates as to not lose money and if the rebates are better at the time of purchase, you win. Money off will depend on how in demand the vehicle will be. Dealers are only assigned a set number of models to order. If your order is a slot for a hot model, dont expect a big discount. Otherwise, just work the deal like the car was on the lot.
  9. you can't buy it cheap enough. If you think it's a good deal, the seller will take less. haggle your ass off if you feel like you really want it.
  10. you are smart enough to know it's spelled "prophet"
  11. OSUGT

    tv help

    I wouldnt be afraid of a cheap offbrand. We bought a 42in "VIORE" plasma in 2006 for $999. Still going strong. For what they run now, the reward outweighs the risk. Good luck on your purchase.
  12. OSUGT


    cool truck, but the ad says location is lucasville? Thats down on the river isnt it?
  13. I think there is a pretty decent quarry on the west side off of riverside drive near grandview. Marblecliff area I think?
  14. A friend of mine is at the Varsity Club right now. He just saw a T-shirt that read, "I would rather be in Sandusky than Ann Arbor!"
  15. she was on the Scooby Doo cartoon all the time...RIP
  16. OSUGT

    World of Debt

    The debt used to scare me a lot more. Inflation is what I fear more now. It seems like it's all play money at this point. 16 trillion is a laughable number, but the world keeps spinning. If we go down, the rest of the world follows.
  17. OSUGT

    Romney / Ryan

    you can be sure the dems will pound on this. Even though his plan does not effect anyone currently receiving medicare. He does the smart thing and phases it in
  18. OSUGT

    Romney / Ryan

    evidently Romney tried to when he introduced ryan...called him the next president!
  19. Hitches are easy...sometimes wiring gets expensive Pickups Plus Cars will do it right
  20. there is a product called "auto vaccine" This stuff is the best I've seen for trades with smoked interiors. It will leave your interior smelling like a pool, but will eventually wear off without smoke residue
  21. OSUGT

    6.0 Diesel?

    This Got to the point we wouldnt trade for them.
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