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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. If you can wait like above said. Something a 32" flat screens running around $199. At that price, I am going to see about picking up one for my bedroom.
  2. BloodRed


    Yeah Wow doesn't have NHL Center Ice, that is why I am going to my parents on Saturday to catch the Jacket's 2nd game in Sweden.
  3. BloodRed


    Can't wait for the first CBJ game today! Another good place to watch the games is Rooster's.
  4. Very cool, I am going to have to try it out.
  5. One of the big wind turnbine companies is in northern Ohio. So if anyone orders one and they are west or south of them, they are coming through Columbus. Normally atleast once a week I see a semi with parts for them heading West on 270.
  6. Yeah I found that a couple weeks ago. Just like at the gun shows and such, some of those prices people have listed are a pipe dream. But some are reasonable. Been looking for a few things, but haven't run across exactly what I have been looking for.
  7. If we can get a group together, I might be able to join this time.
  8. I saw a story on it last week that the Buyer's dealership was installing one to help offset the energy cost. If it works well, they said they are going to build them at their other locations. I think they had it fully put together on Thursday or Friday of last week. I think they said the savings will offset the cost of the thing in 5-10 years. It takes 7 mph winds for it to turn, so it won't always be turning.
  9. Anyone in the family a member of a church? Most keep on hand that kind of stuff to loan out to members when needed. Most are donated from other members who have passed on or no longer need them.
  10. Very true. I have worked in Dublin for 9 years, and just about everything happens here. They are not immune to crime.
  11. Probably 10 years ago my sister bought a Ford Escort EXP (or something like that) from them. She seemed to have got it at an ok price and it lasted her quite a few years.
  12. Pretty common swap to put in a 350 in a Wrangler. Pretty much buy the harness and adapters and you are set. There are a ton of other engines you can do as well with only getting the harness and adapter. Always you biggest problem is going to be cooling since after you swap in a V8, there isn't much room. But if it is mainly going to see the street, then you shouldn't have too many cooling problems. Must run into that problem when they are off-roading. Another option would be to stroke the 4.0L to a 4.6L. I have seen some making 600+ hp. If the 4.0L ever dies in my WJ, I am going to be considering this.
  13. Never have been, but have always wanted to stop in to try it. Oh and that Man vs Food episode was filmed last year or so. Been awhile since he was here. If I remember correctly, he went to Schmit's, Thurman's and then Ohio Deli.
  14. I was at work in Dublin and I remember it getting very dark behind me (I face east, window to my rear). Stormed pretty good then jumped in the Jeep to head home. Traffic was worst than normal. Had to take some back roads to get onto 270, but on the good side, I found a parking lot near work that was flooded probably about 2 1/2 to 3 foot. Made a couple passes through it in the Jeep. It was fun.
  15. The 2 OU chicks I ran into last night were pretty bitchy to me. Could have been because I yelled "GO CREW!" at them. After that horrible lost last night, had to get a little drunk before I went home.
  16. This is the game I have been waiting on for me to finally buy a PS3. I might finally make the plunge and get one and pre-order my GT5.
  17. Pretty cool looking. And very good choice in vehicles.
  18. I hate those things too. I got a couple of them, but I still have a couple of the old ones. I just use the new ones to fill up at the gas station then use them to refill my old ones when they are empty.
  19. Not too bad looking. But the front end does remind me of a carp...
  20. That got to suck. Hope they didn't give you to much of a problem pulling them out since they are barbed at the ends.
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