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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. BloodRed


    I have used Windows Movie Maker before and it worked for backing up my Hi8 videos.
  2. I am pretty sure Line-X can only be applied by a Line-X location, so pricing should be the same. You might be able to find some online coupons for like 5% off. A friend of mine got his truck bed done by Line-X and he gave me a coupon for 5% off that they gave him to hand out to people. I haven't got my truck in to get the truck bed done, but there is no expiration date on that coupon, so I am not rushing it. I have heard nothing but good about the toughness and durability of Line-X over the competitors, plus that life time warrenty is a seller for me.
  3. That sucks man, hears to a quick recovery.
  4. Crap, reading ownes me. I yeah a hitch for the WJ won't fit a XJ. I totally thought he said he had a 01 Grand Cherokee. Putting a hitch on an XJ is a little more tricky than on the WJ. Best place to find one for the XJ is to grab one from a junk yard. I think at Pick N Pull they were selling them for like $50. But that has been a while ago.
  5. This should help you with the wiring: http://www.wjjeeps.com/trailer.htm Pretty much it is all there, just need to by the plug to run from the tail light area to the hitch. Uhaul should have it. Also keep that website book marked for your WJ. Tons of info there on the WJ.
  6. Keep an eye out on CraigsList. I got a Uhaul hitch for my 01 WJ for $40. If you dont' find one, I could let you borrow mine, I haven't installed it yet. I don't have the receiver and ball, but just the hitch.
  7. My wife has got them as rentals quite a few times during her travels. She likes them but they are small and have no rear seat leg room. So I would say a no go if you have kids with car seats. But if no kids or worry about back seat room, then she says it would be a nice car.
  8. Yeah I grew up in the area, and use to go every year. Pretty much it is a yard sale/flea market/gun show. Most of the guns are just old stuff that locals have sitting around and trying to get rid of. There are always a few pawn shops/gun shops that have a booth and have nothing but over priced guns. About the best thing I ever picked up was army surplus stuff. Normally good prices on old ammo tins. My wife mentioned going, so we might go over on Sunday or Monday.
  9. Yeah it is around 17lbs for Single action and about 12lbs on double. Got to love those Sigma's. Great guns, but the trigger pull is the biggest complaint. A quick swap of some springs and you can change that. Great price, good luck with the sale.
  10. Not much many cool sights in Ashville, but you are a short drive into the Great Smoky Mountains. Also not far from the Tail of the Dragon.
  11. Like everyone else has said, that is crazy numbers. Congrats on on what I am sure is one hell of a ride.
  12. First the bat mobile is for sale on eBay and located in the Dublin area, now you hit Batman. Boy his life went down hill quick.
  13. I have seen them a couple times as a kid. My parents really liked them and we would go watch them.
  14. Yeah I had to laugh when I saw the article in the Dispatch and the story on the news. I think it is quite good of them to protest the church. It is only fair.
  15. I saw the video on the news the other day. Just amazing how crazy people can get for stupied reason. Alcohol....
  16. I would stear away from the diesel powered Liberty. I have heard nothing but bad things about them. The 2.8L diesel has no power and worst gas mileage than the gas powered version. Also the Liberty really isn't a great platform for off roading. It can be done and I know people that do off road them, but there are easier and cheaper alturnatives. I know a lot of people that have built vehicles like you are looking for. Of coure I have to suggest Jeeps and they all make good starting points for X vehicles. Wrangler/CJ if you want the most options but smaller size. Cherokee if you want more room inside, and a Grand Cherokee (ZJ or WJ) if you want a bigger engine option (V8) a little more room on the inside compared to the Cherokee and more comfort. As others have suggested, finding diesel can be a pain at times in some areas of the Nation. But my biggest suggestion for a X vehicle is choice a platform and engine that isn't difficult to find parts for all around the world. Nothing would be worst than being broke down in some remote part of the nation and having to wait a week for parts to be special ordered. Because if you really do that, you will break down, and you will need to fix something along the way.
  17. I have asked in at Vance's when I was looking at 1911's and they told me they do not carry them. They can order them, but I have to pay up front.
  18. I have to agree with you there. Just depends on what you are looking for. I might suggest Pirate off road or Mall Crawler's. They are a little more open to the non-standard.
  19. Very true. The US should never aplogize for what they had to do to end that war. Ever think of how many less of us would be around if that war went to the invasion of Japan. I am pretty sure all of my grandfathers would have ended up back there in Japan, and who knows how many of them would have made it out of there with their lives.
  20. That is one of the reasons why I made sure when I purchased my house, there was no HOA. No one can tell me what I can and cannot do on my own property.
  21. 3x Jeepforums. What engine does the MJ have? If you are looking to "go MONSTROUS" you might need to add some power via engine swap
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