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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. Dude that sucks to hear. I will keep an eye out for it. I hate to say it but those Caravans are one of the most stolen vehicles.
  2. http://www.ohiofairs.org/listoffairs.html Here is a list of all the county fairs with dates and links to their website. Just about all of them have a rough/tough truck competition.
  3. A budy of mine and I am going. It is my first soccer game since playing in gym in school. We have seats at Center Pitch, 11th row.
  4. How big is that table? I have one very similar, but it is way to big for our kitchen/dinning room. I have been looking for a smaller one.
  5. I will believe it when I see it. Hi Point has been talking about a model in .45acp since the original 9mm and 40 carbine came out. I have seen the photos of the test models in both designs, but the release keeps getting pushed back and back.
  6. Like everyone else said, the pet owner is liable.
  7. I have seen the red one around dublin too. If I remember right it has a decal that says "Roby Toy Barn"
  8. Yeah I have always talked about taking an attack force againist the zombie walk. Oh and that article in the link is from 2008. This is like the 4 annual zombie walk.
  9. Yeah about 8-10 years ago the owner did a big remodel on the outside of the house and removed the windows that made the house almost look like a face on the ends. It was the shot of the house they used for the book and movie.
  10. As simple as a new exhaust and a tune can do wonders for the Cummins.
  11. I had looked to pick up one of the older model HiPoint 9mm's, but by the time I was actually looking, they were all gone ramping up for the new model to come out. I know a lot of people that love the Hi Point Carbines. I had not read much on the new models, but it looks good so far.
  12. Yeah it is. Nothing but a few people getting shot to death, but nothing haunted there imo.
  13. Yeah and Hawks fans are bit crazy. Even more with them going to the cup. I mean they are the only winning team Chicago has right now. If you are going, I might suggest waiting till after the Stanley Cup games are over. If they win there will be a crazy riot in Chi-town
  14. LOL well at least I know know the movie is as bad as I figured it would be. Probably will still pick up for some cheesy horror movie watching
  15. LOL that is great. Oh and if you know anyone that you think might be a little freaky, yeah they are and yes, they have had sex everywhere in the house...everywhere.
  16. I stopped by the house while on a business trip and snapped a few pictures for proof I was there. Nice area, and I would love to buy that house, but I would never move to Long Island. http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k247/BloodRedStratus/CORUPT/NYTrip011.jpg
  17. BloodRed

    CL ad. lol

    Wow, well I guess that is one way to try to sell it
  18. The Gumball is great. I would love to have the money and car to do that. I can remember they sent the Jackass crew to drive in one. LOL
  19. hmmm, I will be in Mansfield this weekend...Might have to stop by.
  20. A friend of mine had one and really the only problem he had was the airbag light would stay on. Had to clean a connection under the passenger side seat every couple months to fix it. We finally sealed the thing in silicon and it never did it again. Oh and he always wished he got the one with 4x4.
  21. And I wonder how long of a wait and if I will be able to get it for my Eris. I just got 2.1 this weekend. LOL
  22. Well that is what you get for having a commerical with a truck driving around with your SS# on it. You would expect it, no matter what kind of protection you have. LOL
  23. BloodRed

    Yard Waist

    the yard waste places won't take treated wood, so they won't accept the railroad ties. I would contact your regular trash pick up company and see if they will take them to the landfill.
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