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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. ATT's iPhone policy is as follows: If you stick your SIM card in an iPhone, they hold the right to automatically start charging you the iPhone data plan. So really, you don't have to do anything.
  2. After everything that happened with this: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72197&highlight=retarded+policeman There is now a sort of sequel series to it, although they cant DIRECTLY say that for legal reasons:
  3. I think I have told this story quite a few times on this board, but after my dad died I didn't give 2 shits about cars or automobiles, and Initial D is what got me back into automobiles and racing. I have a strong connection to the story over the 4 Stages and the characters, and really cringed at some of the stuff the Chinese movie did. Now, I haven't watched anime in years at this point, grew out of it and shifted my views toward other Japanese media (music, namely), but the changes they made in the story were so significant that I just can't call it a good film. They decided to pick and choose major plot points from the first three stages and cobble them together to make a story that ultimately doesn't make much sense. Not to mention the horrible rap soundtrack.
  4. Yes I have, came out quite a few years ago, and its terrible. Its also Chinese produced, and stars a Taiwanese pop star who can't act. They also butchered the story, and made asses of some characters who weren't before. Its worth watching, but only to see how terrible it is.
  5. I am going to be hawking mine for $500. Especially if I unlock it.
  6. Rally Pat


    Thanks dude, you're awesome.
  7. The guns are just gas blowback airsoft rifles to give the look of real recoil, everything else is Adobe After Effects. The first film was made for only $200, and they made the second with $600.
  8. The thing I like about Freddie Wong is that he always makes a tutorial of some kind with his videos. With the Chrono Trigger video it was how to do muzzle flashes, with this one its sound design.
  9. Not sure to be honest. Its a leftover part from my 2.3T mustang, I never used it. Probably cheap to rebuild if it does have problems.
  10. But thats the point we're trying to make. Does it really not matter what others care about? Especially when it comes to things like employment, getting loans, first impressions when meeting someone for the first time...all can be effected by this. It really is a lot to think about.
  11. The thing I don't quite understand about people that get tats is that they never think about what they are going to look like when they are much older. I once told a friend who got a Jesus fish on her foot "what are you going to do in 20 years when that Jesus fish is suddenly a Jesus whale"? It has nothing to do with the religious symbolism, but I feel like people don't think things through. So no, I don't think its a good idea. You may feel that you work for a place that doesn't care, but have you thought about what would happen if you would lose that job? Just food for thought.
  12. I've got a Thunderbird TC turbo that I want to get rid of.
  13. Well....that didn't take long. http://gizmodo.com/5558277/ios-4-jailbroken-within-a-day-of-first-release
  14. I didnt see anything in there about LTE, so no. Thats not a big deal though, no one has an LTE phone net.
  15. LMAO Chris Pirillo just posted this on his YouTube Channel -
  16. Presentation says June 24.
  17. Yes, but I got my 3GS in January.
  18. Awesome. I upgraded my 3G to a 3GS in January I think.
  19. DADDY LIKE. Hmm...don't think I am eligible for the early upgrade, but usually you can work some magic through customer service and get it. Its worth a shot, anyway.
  20. They said what it gets being used in the presentation. The graph is on the live feed of the keynote on Engadget.
  21. As someone who knows what he is talking about, this is fact. The A4 is far more efficient than any iteration of the Qualcomm Snapdragon, the battery life alone is proof of that.
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