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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Someone on CoS recommended this film. Its on Netflix Instant right now, and its probably the best car documentary I've seen since Truth in 24. I highly recommend it.
  2. I'll never forget the first time Paul rode with me at autocross. As we were pulling up to the line, he was on his Sidekick all "Yeah, whatever". Then I launched. He was scared shitless. At the end of the run, he got out and said, whilst breathing heavily, "Wow, thats way faster than it looks."
  3. ...I don't get it. I am pro-everything else. Edit: Except NASCAR, while I still appreciate what Jeff is doing for the project. Edit 2: This is already shaping up for a flamethrower party. Pulling the emergency ejection lever on my spot in this thread.
  4. Why do you think I am patiently waiting on the iDroid project to be ported to the 3GS? Then I can dual boot iPhone OS and Android, and won't have wasted however many hundreds of dollars I've thrown at apps at this point.
  5. If this all happens, it will be awesome sauce. Glad there will be a sweet track close by to have fun on, better than having to take a trip to Nelson. I had more anti-1320 stuff prepared, but I would just get flamed for it, so I cut it out.
  6. Holy shit an objective post, I don't even fucking believe it.
  7. Thats what I was thinking too, but no one on this forum can be neutral or fair about anything.
  8. 2 operating systems outsold a device...that comparison makes lots of sense.
  9. Push the button, Stamper!
  10. Theres something oddly satisfying about playing through SMB as Mega Man
  11. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4039/4565505043_b259626436_o.gif
  12. I would say its a toss up between the M3 and the 911.
  13. Hand-me-down Atari 1040ST, it had Space Quest and this game called Gunship. I was too young to do anything else with it. My first "PC" was (again) a hand me down AST 486, that was really only good for browsing the net. My dad was the data center manager at Abbott Laboratories on Seltzer, and he brought all sorts of crap home over the years. The family's first computer that we all used was an IBM PersonalSystem/2 that ran DOS and Windows 3.1.
  14. If you've got an external HDD, thats all you need with the latest update. Otherwise, Microcenter has refurbished HDD's.
  15. Get Sean to hook you up with A-Team Transmission.
  16. Someone want to grab me a yard sign?
  17. Not quite old enough for that, but my first was a Motorola 14.4. Used to dial up my Uncle and we would play Starcraft together. I would also dial into the libary's electronic catalog.
  18. I thought the SVT focus was supercharged?
  19. They are Hoosiers...slicks.... But they have the DOT required 2 vertical treads.
  20. Woah woah woah, back the fuck up. That is MY title, tyvm.
  21. Hmm...I am on 3.1.2 with the last jailbreak, but its a tethered jailbreak. Kind of tempted to do it again to get rid of that.
  22. Its a proof of concept, its hardly polished. They did that port in like a day's worth of work.
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