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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Rally Pat

    windows 7

    Well, the rest of the industry disagrees with you.
  2. Rally Pat

    windows 7

    Firefox or IE? Their download manager wouldn't run for me in Firefox, but did just fine in IE.
  3. Ok, so before people start saying "well, you must not have been good enough to keep", let me explain a few things. I was an intern at Liebert Corporation, working for the Telecommunications dept with a focus on Networking (I did phone stuff too, though). A few weeks ago, they started to let go of all of the interns that were left in the company. My boss, and my boss' boss fought HR up and down to keep me, but they just couldn't let me stay because of the economy. My buddy that works in the HR department said that part was 100% true too. So, I have till January 30 to somehow come up with a new source of income. As a friend of mine put it, its not trying to find a needle in a haystack, its trying to find a specific needle in a stack of needles. I am looking for a job, or a paid internship, in the networking or telecom fields. I am CCNA trained, although I do not yet have the certification because I still have some training to go at school. I will also be moving into a CCNP degree soon after that. I also have experience with Cisco CallManager and IP Phones (79XX), as well as NEC PBX's. I have a resume prepared that I could submit right away. Thank you for your help and time, Patrick Burke
  4. Rally Pat

    windows 7

    Have it on my Craptop and my Desktop, incredible stability. Honestly, they could go gold with it right now using build 7000 and it would still be better than Vista.
  5. Im so sorry to hear this Tyler. I lost my dad too, I know how hard it is. You know how to reach me if you need to.
  6. It was good times. Major sideways action in the Suby.
  7. I don't get it, whats the appeal of mutilating a dog's ears again?
  8. Sorry, I posted a link you had to sign up for. Here is a photobucket slideshow of some pictures. http://s191.photobucket.com/albums/z242/xracer1/longest%20day/?albumview=slideshow
  9. Smith's Deli on High Street. Owned by a family mine is friends with, and some of my favorite Pizza ever.
  10. If its not a Diesel, what does it have to do with this thread?
  11. At the Longest Day, the Car and Driver Miata went hard over a wall and that pretty much finished the race for them lol
  12. The Longest Day of Nelson was a blast! Crossle, craig71188, and myself crewed for a team at the last one. Here are some pics: http://www2.snapfish.com/share/p=859111221196395698/l=426021867/g=105050835/otsc=SYE/otsi=SALB
  13. Grassroots is the only car magazine worth subscribing to. SCC was my other favorite. The rest of them are usually garbage, although Modified off and on has really good articles.
  14. No. I have an MR2 and an Impreza. Clbsinvaders has a Galant VR4.
  15. WOW, HD-DVR, 1 addition digital receiver, 8mb down/1 up internet, Digital Phone with all the goodies, HD channels, Starz, roughly $130 a month.
  16. Cool, cool. I used to be an admin there. Thought I recognized your username. When I first started going, I went by "Crashoveride88" and then as "MegamanEXE" for a long time.
  17. It was more in response to Not Brian's post, so the only one who failed is you.
  18. Did you used to go to Whempys?
  19. Anyone got some cash to throw around? http://images.businessweek.com/ss/09/01/0108_gm_auction/1.htm
  20. "Hey Crawdad, you want this magazine picture?" "Sure, I'll have it." *Crush*
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