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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Holy shit Samoas are fucking amazing! Best cookie ever! I'll take 5 boxes of Samoas, and a box of thin mints for my mom.
  2. So cool you spelled his name wrong. I'm sure he appreciates that from the grave.
  3. Rally Pat


    Too bad they don't sell the Ford Falcon here...
  4. L'Arc~en~Ciel - Driver's High or Drink It Down Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the name
  5. Nope. Have had cops randomly appear places and ask us for our ID's, what we are doing, ect ect, but never arrested.
  6. Your powers of observation are second to none! :eyeroll:
  7. Jezza probably punched Andy Wilman, and demanded more money.
  8. If you don't use LimeWire for copyright infringement, like they always prompt you for when you install it, there isn't a problem.
  9. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/desktop.jpg
  10. The Vietnam Special is 75 minutes total, so go get it from FinalGear.com Definitely one of my favorite episodes. The gifts were hilarious.
  11. The entry is gone, but you can't sell backups of anything on CR anyway.
  12. buying a 386? In all seriousness, look on all the outlet stores around the net. I bought a top of the line Lenovo ThinkPad (at the time) for $500 just because it had a few scratches on the SIDE of the notebook, where don't even look at it.
  13. Yes, the "plot" if you can call it that, is very throw away. The movie is all about the action. You just have to remove your brain when you start watching it, and its awesome. Loved every second.
  14. *cough* http://www.apple.com/ipodtouch/
  15. I think you should still go through with it. Perhaps redirect to a short memorial page?
  16. You're smoking crack if you think 20 gigs is enough. I have to clean out my drive every couple of weeks. Sure, it'll get you on live alright, but to really take advantage of content you need a bigger drive. I really hate my 20 gig.
  17. Acropolis Gyro Palace on High Street is a definite #1 for me, followed by McD's.
  18. Holy good intro Batman! One more for the "Z car guys on top of making intros" comments. Welcome, from a fellow Z lover (although old Z's, not these)
  19. Sad to hear, rest in peace. What exactly happened?
  20. 007 and Perfect Dark were fucking amazing. Rare did such a great job with those 2 games.
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