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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. I was expecting 3 shells to be sitting there
  2. They become more apparent if you have an iPhone. They kind of rushed the 2.0 software, and it kind of ended up being like Windows in terms of stability. They are working on fixing it, though.
  3. FUCKING +1 Nothing stupider than using a rally car as a drag car.
  4. Here Anthony, this will help you against Diana. http://www.xcm.cc/xcm_xfps_360.htm
  5. I haven't done it yet, but what all did they update? Did they add the turn by turn they said would be in a near future update?
  6. I haven't turned mine on in a while, so I will have to go look when I get home. I usually only play it when a major game comes out, IE Final Fantasy XIII and Force Unleashed
  7. Ethan Carr? Holy shit, welcome dude.
  8. Rally Pat


    So many party plate avatar candidates in this thread lol
  9. Turbo Dodges are awesome, welcome.
  10. You really need to grow the fuck up. Seriously. I've never met such an immature person in my entire life.
  11. I usually come out to these things, but I stayed home and got my car running... For a few minutes anyway
  12. just an FYI, the car started and ran today. Needs a new timing belt, though.
  13. MR2 will be running, or should be running, this afternoon. Come over for proof. The only thing stopping me right now is me being in class at the moment...
  14. From Broadband Reports: "U-verse has a 25mbps pipe to the home, that also has to carry up to 10mbps internet. AT&T is not currently doing any "mixed-use" of their streams, I've personally tested that I get my full 10mbps when I'm using all 4 streams." ...since you guys still don't seem to understand how it works.
  15. lol another app i need to eventually waste money on
  16. ...for the partitioned off section. Every house still has 20mbit.
  17. This is incorrect. The system uses VDSL and FTTN to bring 20mb to each home, regardless of what internet service level you have. They partition off some of it for data, then the rest goes to TV service.
  18. Seriously Paul, its really starting to get out of hand. Now I know what you are going to say next, something probably along the lines of: "lol wut evr gaiz im on my sidekikk and i r too lzy tu go baack and fix stuf" Please, for the love of God, and the members of this forum, don't post here ever again with anything but a real fucking keyboard. Make sure you are not wearing boxing gloves while using it, either.
  19. Damn dude, I am so sorry to hear that. I hate it when bad things happen to good people.
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