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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/2013/06/I-dont-believe-you.gif
  2. I saw this quote once on Jalopnik and its pretty relevant for a number of cars I've come across, and it goes like this: "I am going to make a great third owner of one of those!"
  3. I have two jobs, and my second job never schedules me during the day on Saturday...and they did this Saturday, so I can't go today or tomorrow :\ Sad, but thats life. Hope you guys have fun, I miss going down there when dad was running Sunriser (same roads) back in the day.
  4. Ubreakifix on Bethel Rd fixed my iPhone in 45 minutes and it wasn't too expensive if I recall correctly. They fix Samsung devices as well per their website.
  5. I sent money a few days ago, but didn't PM you or anything.
  6. You saved my life on this! I only get tools at Harbor Freight, and thought I didn't have any receipts....then remembered that they all get emailed to me!
  7. Wish I could have made it, but my family stuff ended up running till almost 1 am.
  8. I'll be going! I used to avoid it like the plague, but as life style changed, lbs melted away and muscles started to grow I actually get pretty excited for it now. You get all sorts of free stuff too! Hoping to run in to some of my weight loss idols too, a lot of them are floating around there.
  9. Daaaang thats a nice truck
  10. Special Stage is (or was) like the internet center of the universe for North American rallying, and they have a classified section. There are quite a few facebook groups/stores too for rallying related things. http://www.specialstage.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?83-Classifieds
  11. Its a pretty expensive sport, but you can buy older already logbooked cars to get started for not too much money. There was a company called Safe Drives that used to sell a "Rally car in a box" kit for Subarus that included all of the necessary safety equipment to get started, it was pretty cheap for what you got which included a weld in roll cage. They appear to have gone out of business when I went looking for their site, though.
  12. For what its worth, which isn't much to OP's question, almost all of my tools are Harbor Freight. Work great and have rebuilt countless cars. The only time I don't buy tools there is when they don't have something I need, which is rare, and they have lifetime warranty just like everyone else.
  13. I always take mine to whatever local auto parts store.
  14. Rally Pat

    Windows 10

    No one should be paying for Office365 when Google Docs/OpenOffice/LibreOffice are all free.
  15. Rally Pat

    Windows 10

    Yep, just download the media and punch in your Windows 7 key. It should be flagged on Microsoft's servers that it was converted to Windows 10
  16. Rally Pat

    Windows 10

    Best place to get a key is on reddit at /r/microsoftsoftwareswap If you have legit Windows 7, do the free upgrade then do a fresh install using your 7 key. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility/windows10upgrade Windows 10 is awesome and has many performance and usability enhancements over Window 7 and Windows 8. If you dont like the interface, install ClassicShell.
  17. This is something that has been tried over and over and over again. Back in the day it was CarDomain, more recently it was Matt Farah's Wheelwell. Since this one has Jezza and Co behind it though, it might have some real power to stick around.
  18. Hey, I bought one of these for my Honda Fit following this thread. It works great, but does anyone know if you can set it to just turn on when power is applied? It's a very small annoyance to have to turn it on by hand when I get in the car. It might be in the instructions, but I accidentally tossed them when cleaning my car the other day.
  19. I really liked it also, other than being a bit buggy like other have said.
  20. Even the most well maintained ones break randomly. I wouldn't do it, personally.
  21. I have a monetized youtube channel, i would say over the life of my channel I've made probably $1000. I haven't made any new content in a while, so it hasn't grown, but I want to get back in to it.
  22. M&M can't keep their shop clean and their parts straight. They literally gave me someone else's heads once. Their "office" if you can call it that is a path barely wide enough for one person to walk through with engine blocks/cranks/heads/etc lining both sides.
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