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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. A corvette painted up like the Mach 5?
  2. Donatos has good subs, but their pizza sucks. I enjoy Papa Johns on occasion, but prefer more homestyle pizza places. Places like Gattos(sp?), Pizza House, Clintonville Pizza Primo (awesome subs and pizza here) and Buckeye Pizza and subs.
  3. Sorry, listed the wrong date. My bad. Its all real people, btw. Brendon Small and some others with him.
  4. Is anyone else here going? A friend of mine from school, clbsinvaders, and I are all going. Should be pretty sweet. Edit: June 19, not 15.
  5. http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/8389/gta4lol2kz0.png
  6. Exactly. I can't just tell them that I have half a degree and half a cisco certification, I had to show them what I already knew. They said that I was one of the most qualified interns they have ever hired.
  7. What the hell is up with people not even reading what I post, and then commentating on what I say? I blatantly said that my 2 jobs I had during high school both only had about one paragraph of text, briefly describing what my responsibilities were. The other 2 pages are descriptions of what I have learned thus far in my degree, with the small references section at the bottom of the last page.
  8. My high school work experience has nothing to do with my field, and thus, doesn't take up much room. About a paragraph for each job, highlighting the responsibilities I had. For my telecommunications job, I tried to focus my resume on my college education, stuff that has to do with the job I am applying for. On the last page, I listed personal and professional references, which I know for a fact that Liebert called and spoked to every one on the list.
  9. I had a team of people tell me my resume was great. I handed it around to a number of professionals who seemed to think that it was incredibly well written, and every page was worth it. This resume was also presented at the interview for the job I have now. I am not about to go back and change it in any way. Its not like I wrote it to get a job at Meijers, it was to get real jobs.
  10. it doesn't seem extensive enough. I mean, I'm only 19, and my resume is 3 pages long. Go in to much more detail about your experience, especially your related coursework and computer skills sections.
  11. All the mods on it are suspension related, minus the intake shortening, which actually decreases torque, but increases throttle response and gas mileage.
  12. Well, the brochure times for the NA MKI MR2 back in the 80's was 16.5, so I am sure its probably slower than that now.
  13. Damn You Mongoweans!
  14. I think its cool minus the flamboyantly large Corvette logo on the front.
  15. How can you be too old? Mach GoGoGo is from 1966!
  16. Nevermind, reading owns me.
  17. Pretty awesome, I love those motors. There are a few RX-7's running around with them too.
  18. Could he some more pics of the inside? I know there probably isn't much to look at, but I want to see how the gauges are done up.
  19. Its been talked about here before, and I think its a hoax. However, oxyhydrogen as an additive is being done all the time. Check out this guy's videos. He shows in great detail how his HHO setup works. Basically he has modified his oxygen sensor and a few other things, and the HHO is just dumped in the intake. Edit: I forgot to post the link up, but Ill do it when I get home. I am at work right now and YouTube is blocked.
  20. I had that thought too, that it looked very R8-esque.
  21. hahahaha I see what you did there.
  22. Ill sell you a MKI MR2 for 500, if you're interested.
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