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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. We are checking out the student services chicks, as usual.
  2. if anyone is at school right now, come chill with us. we are sitting by the flat screen in the cafeteria.
  3. Only on my second tri, so I have quite a ways to go before my senior project. Lou Price = ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzz
  4. http://columbus.craigslist.org/car/491425445.html
  5. Rally Pat


    Thats definately not what I have seen at gameworks...
  6. A little while ago, there was a short lived IPTV show called "FromTheShadows" that had an episode about these devices. They had a guy on there who had one, and they changed his voice and didnt show his face. Ill see if I cant find the episode on google video.
  7. Ring up Stacey David, I am sure he will buy it
  8. those things are so illegal, you would be retarded to use one.
  9. she looks like she has a rather large piece of belly button lint.
  10. I half and half agree/disagree. At age 8 I had an Atari ST. At age 10 I had an AST P100 with a Dial Up modem, and I had the privilege to get on whenever I wanted. At 12, I had an NEC Cyrix powered 266 mhz computer, which was my first "gaming machine". It barely ran CS beta 1 at 30 FPS on the Voodoo 3 2000 that was in it. At 13, I built my first machine, an Athlon XP 1.12 ghz with 512 of ram and a GeForce2. This was also about the time DSL went mainstream, and to this day I have the same modem. During all of this time, my parents gave me my privacy when it came to everything. The most they ever did was walk by every once in a while to see what I was doing. Now that I look back, it helped me build responsibility for myself. As long as your kid isn't abusing anything, I wouldn't worry about stuff like this.
  11. Ok so....if you were banned, why did you make another account? Wont this one just get banned too?
  12. Standing over the sink with a rusty blade...
  13. because of the fucking down syndrome ad authors on CL who do that so you will see their post, as if it makes a fucking difference in people buying it. in general, when I type in "$1000", I dont want to see your fucking 35k Lexus. If you cant tell, I hate the fucking retards that do this.
  14. Rally Pat


    That + FD - Super Charger + Twins = really....really fast.
  15. 0_0 That....was so brilliant.
  16. I tried Rosetta Stone Japanese, and I didnt like it. The give you no prior explanations of word/term meanings, and they immediately throw you into "match this with this". This style of teaching might work for some people, but the audio books I have been using have taught me a lot more.
  17. I have no purchased music, and I love iTunes. It also downloads my podcasts every week. (Diggnation mainly)
  18. Then iTunes will work just fine. You dont need anything else.
  19. Hey Nick, do you remember when we were at Hooters and you were wearing your Pizza Hut uniform, and we had that waitress Kymm? That was good times. Edit: But....yeah...dont do drugs kids.
  20. ...are we talking about legal music? Because if you have illegal music, itunes couldnt care less how many computers you have your files on. otherwise, i know there are some sites are that you can buy DRM free music, but I cant think of what they are off of the top of my head
  21. Out of curiosity, what made you get rid of the 2.5? Although I must say, you picked a hell of a replacement lol
  22. When its warm out, we get together nearly every weekend.
  23. The truck is a lot worse than it looks. A lot worse. Most of the damage was done to mechanical components, like the steering. It wouldnt be worth fixing on any level, and I am way too lazy to part it out.
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