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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. PeOpLe WhO WrItE lIkE tHiS aRe aUtOmAtIcAlLy CoNsIdErEd StUpId.
  2. "Catastrophic Failure" isn't the term for it....
  3. Dibs on your old turbo when you replace it, Bill. Ive got some new plans for the 4AGE.
  4. Congrats. Nice name, make sure his first car is a Toyota.
  5. give me a few minutes, based on how new the song is it may or may not be translated yet. Edit:
  6. is he using a vtec controller?
  7. I dont know what torque wrench you have, but mine wouldnt be come uncalibrated. They are meant to take force. Also, what is more frightening. One guy with a blunt object, or 5 guys with blunt objects?
  8. It almost makes me want to set a trap. My car, a radio in the driver seat, and me hiding somewhere nearby with a torque wrench and a couple of friends.
  9. Hmm....a bridgeport FC might have a little more power than that civic, but the civic has the power to weight advantage! Thanks for the joke, you are automatically joined into the same club as NOPR, being the club of n00bs who mad awesome first threads.
  10. Yeah, you Camaro driving trouble maker. You and your rebel hair need a talking to from Vinnie.
  11. True story. Even before Al Gore's internet.
  12. I love it, I hope they make a 2 door version. "Not now kids, daddy has to lap the Nurburgring"
  13. Dir en grey was on the Family Values tour over the summer, and they are one of the few japanese groups to see success in the US.
  14. extremely broken (I know pieces and parts), but I like their music. Probobly because in general, all of their music, (rap, hip hop, rock(minus dir en grey)) is more upbeat and positive. The phrase in my sig is japanese also.
  15. I listen to mostly Japanese music, and I refuse to listen to Dir En Grey for things like that link posted above.
  16. Trey said on Jay Leno once that "The episode premier is in 2 weeks, and we havent even started yet". So it must not take that long.
  17. A lot of us drive imports, so dont worry about that. At least it is an SE-R
  18. If your phone supports MP3's, just chop up a song. My ringtone is the Dethklok Deththeme from adultswim.com
  19. I will send him a PM, thanks Ben. Budget is a concern, but I have some money saved up just for doing all this prep work. Just picked up some oil from International Auto Parts to do the oil change. Already change the distributor cap, plugs and wires. It has already helped my throttle response a little bit.
  20. With Cingular it is hit or miss apparently, some people have bad luck, while others like me have good luck. I have never had a dropped call, or a reception problem, especially in Columbus. Other people have had terrible luck with dropped calls, little to no reception, ect ect. You might has well just flip a coin for it lol
  21. I dont really know what to get yet Ben, mind helping me out? Ive been looking at some Fuzions.
  22. *waits for whole thread to migrate to kitchen*
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