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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. I will definitely remember them when I go to church this week. I am really sorry to hear that man.
  2. I am sick mate, so I guess that means to driving the MR2 today . I am spending my day watching Top Gear on one monitor, and browsing CR and Twos-R-Us (MR2 parts site) on the other Thorne IM'ed me and told me he wanted to drive my car, and in exchange I can drive his....hmmm The pictures sort of a lie a little. The car has a little bit of rust on the rear wheel wells, which I plan on fixing (although the rest of the body is immaculate), and the interior needs lots of love.
  3. If you want to know what it looked like with the hubcaps that the guy had on it before, you would understand why I am rolling on black wheels. http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/car/243842883.html No, I didn't pay 2000 for it.
  4. Sorry for the crappy quality, I took these with my camera phone at work today. Actual good pictures will be taken soon with a good digital camera. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/DSC00074.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/DSC00077.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/DSC00078.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/DSC00075.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/DSC00076.jpg
  5. Welcome to the light side of the force, Vader.
  6. Yeah, that is the plan for now. I wasnt sure how many of the horses had escaped the farm with this car, but it still seems to be in good condition.
  7. Yeah, I am working on the second one. Unfortunately, the cherry bomb is welded into place. So far, I absolutely love the car, and I have yet to hit a power wall, so I am going to keep the engine the way it is for right now. A brake upgrade might be in my future, especially with the left front one's smoking habits. That sticky caliper or whatever is causing it is the only problem I have had with the car so far. My favorite part is when you get high in the revs, and that distinctive 4AG sound kicks in. It is awesome.
  8. ^^^^^ I dont know if I want to swap in a 4AGZE and maybe convert it to an AGTE or if I want to maybe get a Toyota Sprinter front clip and put that engine in. Tuning the stock engine costs way too much money.
  9. whats the difference between a modded one and a special one? never heared of specials, and i have been modding for a long time
  10. no, unfortunately. still has some getup though. see this. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31770
  11. I had an awesome day yesterday. I went to church in the morning and served mass without my sister for once (gets annoying). Then around 1:00, my friend Sean and I began our journey toward Hamilton, Ohio to pick up my car. It took about an hour and a half to get there. When we got there the first thing I saw was the blue MR2 I was to buy. I immediately fell in love with it. Sean drove it back with me in the passenger seat (not enough manual experience for me to drive it back alone, yet anyway) and my mom following us behind in her Windstar. The thing ran great, sounds awesome since it has a Cherry Bomb or something similar on it, and gets good gas mileage. Only thing that happened is when we got on the freeway, the left front brake pad started to smoke. We pulled over at a truck stop and looked at it. Sean came to the conclusion that the caliper is most likely not lubbed up enough because the car sat for however long it was listed on craigslist. We just stopped using the brakes, which wasn't really a problem as we were on the freeway, in 5th most of the time, and simply letting off would be enough. When we got it home, I drove it around the neighborhood for about 2 hours. Didn't take it out on any main roads because it is uninsured and has the Van's old tags on it. When I get home today, the car should be insured and have its own tags. Pics to come eventually.
  12. lol did anyone hear the Shark and Shaq episode where they put in all of the Merril Howard Kalin clips? That was golden.
  13. Billy Graham Bible Blaster? And the Left Behind books have been out for years, and I at least have heard no controversy surrounding them. My mom has read the entire series, says it is the best series of books she has ever read. I hate video game ratings whores "OH MAI GAWD A GAME WITH GOD IN IT?!?!?!"
  14. Turbos with Superchargers are not uncommon. Its called Twincharging. A lot of MR2 people do it.
  15. ...jacking it up from underneath?
  16. YEEEEEEEE HHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAW! Wheres my moonshine?
  17. It just made things wavy for me for about 10 seconds, then my eyes readjusted. I dont know if that is what is supposed to happen....
  18. I always use mine, you are stupid not to. It isn't worth having someone hit your car just because they didn't know what you were doing.
  19. It is a fairly straightforward one, no major modification of the car required. As far as I know it is a direct bolt in. I am buying an AW11 MR2 next week, and I am considering investing in a 4AGZE for it. The only problem is that I don't have the space or time to do this swap currently. I have the resources do basic, couple hour long projects like suspension. If I were to get the engine on my own, would anyone be willing to swap it for me?
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