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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. 2 words sum up 90's saturday morning cartoons THE TICK
  2. I got an SNES when I was 5 or 6. It was the Special Edition Donkey Kong Country one, that had the special box. I sold my SNES to clbsinvader's cousins to fund an N64.
  3. sure thing, just make sure I am home from work already.
  4. After 3 or so years or so of service to my household, my Linksys WRT54G version 1 router finally died out. I was shopping around for a new one when it hit me that I could just build one myself. So I started looking around my house for parts. After a trip to the computer Pick-n-Pull in my garage, I dug out an old Gateway PIII 500 that someone had given me. I also found some more ram (128x3) to put into it, as well as a 20gig hd. I harvested 4 identical Linksys 10/100 nic cards, and a 52x CD-Rom drive. For the software to drive all of this, I found IPCop, a linux distro that will turn any computer into a router-firewall. Also, because this is open source, you do not have any of the restrictions that a normal store-bought router comes with from the factory. This means that if you are an avid Bittorrenter, this is the best solution to get the fastest speed. The only problem at this point is that setting up wireless on it is sort of difficult, but that is next on my list. After you install all of the hardware, and run the setup CD, you can configure it just like any normal router by accessing it through any browser. For now, I got it to run right and it is managing the entire network. The only problem I am having right now is that when I set up PPPoE, it doesn't seem to want to try to make my modem connect to the DSL network. I ran out of time last night to solve the problem, but hopefully I will have it fixed soon.
  5. Rally Pat


    He wanted to do Decibel drag racing, as well as regular drag racing
  6. I was born in the 80's, and grew up in the ninties. I remember most of the stuff on that list, and yes I can rap the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme. Ask my friend Pat.
  7. Chicks dig the Yugo. Unfortunately, so do gay men. Watch your back.
  8. http://driving.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22750-2436052,00.html
  9. its too late now lol Its probably a good thing I didnt ride in the S2000, i most likely would have shat myself!
  10. Props to me, I made it through an entire year of *being completely legal* The event was great, although I wish I would have caught a ride with Ben. I pretty much rode with every other car there lol
  11. That could be argued for Wolverine though, he had some major feelings for Phoenix/Jean Grey.
  12. Red Foreman is the only man who would openly call his son "dumbass" repeatedly to his face.
  13. Wow, very very nice looking. Shoot me a PM so we can talk.
  14. Brock Sampson should be #1, and I would also rank Red Foreman a lot higher.
  15. Dont we have some big Miller distributor here?
  16. I dont like most diet pops, but I do think that Diet Coke tastes good. I originally developed a taste for it when my dad first god diabetes when I was like 10. And now that I for the most part quit drinking pop, diet coke gives me something to fall back on for caffeine since I dont drink coffee.
  17. fuck em. "Excuse me sir, you are displaying to much of your country's colors."
  18. Ive got 1300 in cash right now, interested? I really want an Audi of that year range. Please send some pics if possible crossfusionATameritech.net
  19. Rally Pat

    Ebay bombed

    hmm, someone must not have received their lime green candy dish they ordered
  20. It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine.
  21. Well, Ive got plenty of bitch slaps left, but no, I am out of things to complain about.
  22. Does it come with a Bohemian Rhapsody tape?
  23. The guys at work play that CD all the time, gets on my nerves after a while. Rather ironically, I am the only person at my job that didnt go to the RHCP concert, aside from a guy that wanted to go but did have money to do it.
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