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Rally Pat

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Posts posted by Rally Pat

  1. This is my senior year coming also, and I am pretty sure I am going to go into IT. Its all I have done my entire life, and my dad it and I learned most of what I know from him. I dont know what school I want to go to though. My mom wants me to go to Devry because my friend graduated from there and now works for Lucent. He makes quite a bit of money and on top of that, he gets to travel a lot. I dont want to go to Devry because I have heard nothing but bad things about it. I am thinking about going to ODU though.
  2. Sometimes when I am at stop lights, and it turns green, it stalls when I press the throttle. I think it might be a sensor, but I am not quite sure. I tried running a bottle or two of injector cleaner, and it seemed to help a little but, but as soon as I spent that tank of gas, it seemed to start doing it again. I dont quite understand whats going on with it. Any suggestions?
  3. I really would like to meet you guys. So far I have only met 2 CR people face to face, and thats Thorne and Orion because they come to Whempys. I have also given Achilles a thumbs up, but Ive never actually spoken to him.
  4. Should have just put this in the seniors section.



    Thanks, makes us feel better.


    Anyways, I'm in. As soon as we get Brenden's Supra re-assembeled (hopefully tuesday or wednesday), we might come out there. Unless I should roll up in the Olds ;)

  5. My point was, that you should have learned the first time. I probobly havent had my liscence all that much shorter than you have, but that doesnt mean that I havent recieved one ticket because I drive a fat old man car instead of a Ferrari. Just because you drive a fast car shouldnt mean that you are prone to more speeding tickets.


    And the cars I own I got both for free, mommy and daddy didnt buy me one. The van was my dad's tow vehicle, but he passed away 3 years ago. And the olds I recieved as a gift from a friend. I am sorry I dont have as much money as you.


    Edit: And to reply to what you said about why I am here, this is a site that, as far as is stated for legal reasons, is about all forms of TRACK racing, mainly drag with a sprinkle of autocross. Not "lets go do dounuts at the thrift store, race around 270 running from the chopper, and call it a night".

  6. Why are you giving the "moral of the story"? Just because a guy got pulled over doesn't mean he's stupid, but that comment shows that you're a dick and should STFU.


    Go get a car with some sporting qualities and then tell me how easy it is to follow all the driving laws. Better yet, don't say anything ever again, jackass. This guy didn't hurt anybody so calm down and treat others with respect.


    Wow, way to blow up over nothing. You get a cookie.

  7. Gee this is gonna sound all silly, but how about putting a bug engine back on it? There are 9 second bug's so power is not a problem, there are kits that around that are 1800 cc complete motors. I am not sure on price, but JC Whittney sells all sorts of bug shit, you might start with them. It's an air cooled motor, so there is none of the difficult radiator type stuff. And that ain't a go cart, it's a rail buggy, but I gotta ask, if you can buy one complete and running for $1000 more than what you are planning to spend on this one, why not just do that?


    Thats a good idea too. Everyone who has seen that Bug dragster episode of Monster Garage knows how fast bugs can go.

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