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Rally Pat

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Posts posted by Rally Pat

  1. I like Gameworks at easton. Nothing is better than a little 1 on 1 with your friends in Initial D Ver 3, Wangan Midnight/Maximum Tune, or Ferrari Challenge.


    Those games are great for those of us who cant afford cars to race against anyone else.

  2. We havent decided when our next event is yet (probobly wont be till September), but in the meantime we have launched our new website. We will be providing party content such as videos and pictures as soon as we get our splash page up, but our new forum is up in the meantime!



    Megaman - Whempys LAN Admin




    PS: Thorne, we need our videos and shit mang!

  3. My concern with e85 is that it takes oil and a lot of energy to produce it. So its kind of a catch 22, we lower green house gas emissions in our cars, but these new factories/refieneries will be putting out just as much if not more.


    I believe someone already said it but you will go through e85 like water. You will lose roughly 35% of your "gas" mileage running e85.


    E85 refinaries dont pollute the atmosphere because they burn Natural Gas, however the energy usage is 1 to 1, where as with gasoline 1 unit makes 6 unites of Gas. Also, in one of the links that Satan posted, there is one refinary in Minnesota that has reduced their energy usage by burning the byproduct of ethenol production to cook the corn.

  4. That's probably the single worst bit of IT advice I've ever heard. Congrats. I've heard a lot of stupid shit. The only good point you made was to backup stuff regularly. Ever other bit was straight retarded. ALL spyware/adware can be removed, and in a decent amount of time. I deal with spyware/adware everyday, unfortunately. If I told someone I was just going to format their PC and start over, I'd probably get fired. But I guess that's why I work in IT and you work where? Kroger? McDonald's?


    I work at my church doing custodial and computer work, asshole. As I have made a point in earlier posts, people on this forum think that they are God.You didnt need to be such a fucking prick about it. All you had to say was "No, I dont agree with that.", but instead you had to wave your dick around.


    So congrats CR, another member of your administration leaves a bad impression on the users.

  5. There are some trojans you just cant get rid of unless you rewrite your entire registry by hand. In cases like that, its best to go the geek squad route. Back up your shit you had on there in thats important (which you should be doing anyway, out of good practice), and just format it and reinstall everything. Dont waste your time hunting down spyware you probobly cant get rid of.


    Trust me on this one, Ive been through this a lot with other people's computers, not just my own.

  6. you also should have SSE3, which means that you would have to get something like an Athlon 64. I had OS X runnin on my HP Pavilion brick laptop (fucker weighs 12 lbs) about a year ago, and more recently on my IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad.
  7. Wow, congrats everyone. Users like the one above have only reinforced the first post.


    For being a few years older than us (which for some reason makes people on this forum think they are God), you sure dont act like mature individuals. The whole point of this thread was to single out a stupid ricer driving a Camaro, but somehow became about one of my best friends and myself. Brenden may be 16 (about to turn 17), but he is still a Senior in high school and has been driving longer than me. He knows his shit. He is not just some stupid ricer that does gay fly-by's or benchraces retards or the internet. He doesnt do stupid things with his car, like race the retard in post #1.


    So those of you who think you are tough shit just cause you dropped a shit ton of money on your car to modify it to fling poop at a guy who has owned his car just a short period of time need to get a life. How much money you have doesnt determine the order of the food chain, intelligence does.


    I think the saying should be changed from "If you cant stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen." to "If you are too stupid to comprehend whats going on in the kitchen, dont waste our time."

  8. I disagree with whoever said that AMD has lost the performance crown. Yes the core duo goes faster than a lot of AMD stuff, however the core duo isnt a bang-for-the-buck processor. Its a look-at-me-ive-got-money-to-blow-on-whatever-i-want processor.


    If you want to build a budget machine, there are many routes you can take. For example, for a gaming machine, you dont need the best of the best of the best. Some of the best budget gaming machines out there are Celeron D's for christ sake. The Sempron platform is fine for gaming also. Also, believe it or not, you can buy a Pentium M motherboard and proccy for cheap, overclock the summabitch out of it, and that makes a great desktop machine too because Pentium M's were built for low heat and power consumption in laptop situations.


    However if you do a shit ton of video stuff, like encoding, transcoding, and the inbetween, that is a situation where you need the best of the best, or just a step below it. A step below it would be, like in an above post, an AMD X2. Just look for sweet deals on the internet, sometimes you come across stuff that you will find to be too cheap to pass up.


    If you just do web browsing, go to a cheap computer store and pick up a PII-266 for $20.


    /2 cents

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