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Rally Pat

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Posts posted by Rally Pat

  1. One of my favorite videos of all time is the now famous Best Motoring video that was completely about Levins and Truenos. Especially the race they had toward the end between the 5 or 6 NA race tuned 4AG's, all using different tuning approaches and styles.


    ....actually I may go dig up that video and watch it right now lol

  2. I personally cant wait for my senior year at Bishop Watterson. Its amazing how much school doesnt suck for you when you dont let your grades slip.


    Anway, this year I am taking:


    AP Computer Science

    Independent Study in Computer Programming

    Computer Applications II


    American Government

    Advanced Woodworking

    Algebra III/Trigonometry

    Study Hall


    Think thats it.... cant really remember if I picked anything else.

  3. At work, were I often have to work outside painting, mowing lawns, pulling weeds ect ect, I have been on average going through 4 bottles of water each day. I was luck today though, I got to scrub and wax the floor in an air conditioned room.
  4. yeah, HL2 is the next major release. Not for the game itself, but for the 2 games that come with it.


    TEAM FORTRESS 2! and that Prey-like game Portal.

  5. I guess what I was trying to say was this. Yes, its a great car, especially to learn how to work on cars. Having said this, if you drive over a pebble above 70 mph, the car will flip 70 times and crinkle like an empty beer can, because it is also a death trap.


    Anyway, good luck with your project. Reminds me of when my dad was still alive and we would work on his Quattro rally car.

  6. I have always loved the sound of those engines. And no, it doesnt sound like a Civic at all.


    ....although I have heard this one Civic that runs around Columbus that actually sounds a lot like a WRX....


    *waits for verse to make some stupid comment about not knowing anything about the car, and how lovemy86 searched for hachi roku*


    Edit: I am just curious. As a Corolla enthusiast who seems to be true to the N/A potential of the original engine, what do you think about some of the engine swaps that people do? For example, the F20C's (like this from BMHV - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2515773052631380413&q= , the SR20's, ect ect.

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