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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Major props, been trying to get my family members to quit for years. I am the only person in my family who managed to never start. Even my sister, who has had open heart surgery and has heart problems, smokes.
  2. This is my one at work, I don't remember what I have at home. http://blog.gravitybureau.com/wp-content/uploads/wppa/18.jpg
  3. Been going to Timbuk my entire life, and my dad went his entire life. http://www.timbukfarms.com/
  4. AWD Finals - Ken Block vs Tanner Foust http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COz165SsdLI The cars looked damn close a lot of the time, especially that first straight. The shifts were identical (which is to be expected, considering they are the same car built by the same company).
  5. I am actually really excited about this series of episodes they are going to come out with. If you watch some of the interviews on the site, it looks like they are putting a lot of work in to it. Debut trailer - http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusive-debut-back-to-the/708066 Main site - http://www.backtothefuturegame.com
  6. The real event doesn't even start till 10 our time, but this stuff has been pretty interesting to watch. You can also view the stuff from yesterday on their YouTube channel. http://www.youtube.com/gymkhanagrid
  7. Haven't really talked about it yet, hes just now getting back in to town. Been up north all day. Might want to text him.
  8. We'll be out for Simmons' birthday.
  9. Audio has been a little fucked up, but I think they are sorting it out. http://www.gymkhanagrid.com/
  10. Get a Subaru, and you will never complain about snow ever again.
  11. I don't care how you slice it, WiMax =/= 4G. I am kind of excited to see Verizon's first LTE devices, even being an AT&T customer.
  12. Yeah, its fucking stupid. Makes the game feel so half assed.
  13. Please, for the love of God, fix that paint. 10k worth of paint, 1 million worth of hideous. Other than that, welcome.
  14. But thats not even the good part... BEST REACTION EVER http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/340x.gif
  15. Straight gameplay wise, Forza is better in every way. That said, GT5 is much prettier, but its in no way shape or form 6 years worth of work. If it weren't for the Logitech wheel, it would be just another racing game. They also didn't put the same amount of work into every car in the game, and anywhere else except photo mode the cars just look "ok". And no, I am not a Forza fanboy, I have had every GT except 4, and I feel like I wasted my money on 5.
  16. Episode 4 of the hit internet series about LIC Motorsports is out today. Don't forget to pre order your copies of the first season DVD/Blu-ray. /sales pitch Few ways to watch it: The best quality is from their website - http://www.theunderdogsdoc.com Fast speed is through streetfire - http://www.streetfire.net/video/the-underdogs-episode-4_2090830.htm
  17. I've got it and a logitech wheel. add me: RokkumanEXE
  18. Been reading some reviews too, they seem to be all over the place, but most people seem to agree there is a sense of sloppiness about the game. I am a little worried about buying it now.
  19. Another thing I like about my 360 over my PS3, the 360's updates take maybe a minute.
  20. I thought I read that about GT5 too.... I am going to be picking it up tonight, and dusting my PS3 off. I haven't played it since God of War III came out, so in addition to having to install the game, I will probably have to install updates too, and PS3 updates take FOREVER.
  21. One does not simply drive into a storm.
  22. Like someone else, I went and spectated one year. Won't be doing that again.
  23. Unfortunately Tilley, the reality of the situation is unless you buy a Mac, all of the laptops you are going to buy are going to be loaded with crap from the factory.
  24. In the words of Jeremy Clarkson "That's like saying 'Oh good, I've got syphilis, the best of the sexually transmitted diseases".
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