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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbers_station ? Welcome.
  2. Rally Pat

    im back!!!!

    What is this I don't even...
  3. As a group, we mostly play Black Ops, so you should go get that.
  4. Freddie Wong ftmfw, I've posted a few of his videos here.
  5. Right, but I figured the head would through things off.
  6. I wonder how it knows its full, is it like metering how much is going out or is it like a weight thing?
  7. Listening to my cousin shit talk Paul on Black Ops.
  8. Clothes for work from my mom (asked for it), Winchester mutitool and a drill bit set from my sister. Misc gift cards from other relatives.
  9. The Wii version looks a bit like the retarded cousin, but it looks like it gets the job done. Although, I also hear that there are large sections of the game missing from the Wii version, like the awesome boat sequence with Sympathy for the Devil playing in the background.
  10. Lol I wish. The forester had blown headgaskets, like every other Subaru, so the price tag wasn't much. 8ish hours of work later, good as new. As for the iPhone, my sister was due for an upgrade, so I just paid for it for her.
  11. Bought my mom a Subaru Forester. Bought my sister an iPhone 3GS.
  12. No, it isn't. The Christmas special airs in 4 days.
  13. A 360 with a disk in it sounds like a fighter jet firing up. Installing the game to the HDD makes the system almost silent.
  14. They are pretty tasty. The first time I had it, I thought it tasted like the old fries. I don't know if thats because they were reusing oil or something like that, but the next few times, they were fantastic.
  15. Its sold out, that blows. I really needed this. :\
  16. To be fair, no one knew which one was going to air first.
  17. L'arc~en~Ciel The Pillows HIGH and MIGHTY Color Hyde Flight of the Conchords Muse Daft Punk Deadmau5 Justice Stephen Lynch T.M. Revolution Tripod
  18. Correction: What aired last night was the American trip special, the Christmas special airs in 4 days.
  19. Too much downtime at Team O'Neil = this
  20. Top Gear Special airs in an hour, look for it later on Final Gear
  21. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/trololo-edward-hill-russian-rickroll
  22. It was the Rick Roll of 2010, its on it's way out the door now.
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