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Everything posted by Akula

  1. Akula

    Cheap vets?

    Gahanna Animal Hospital is the least expensive, most honest, place I have found.
  2. I have it solved now. I know what to avoid in the future. I think I'm good. Besides, mac doesn't really run DOS either. I don't do bootcamp because I don't like MSFT.
  3. Ticks are tough to keep away. I just pick them off like a real man.
  4. Why is my BlackBerry sucking a mac problem? RIM doesn't my a decent desktop tool that runs on mac. If I was running linux I would be in the same boat. So, what you are saying, Jones, is that Microsoft rules. WOW!
  5. I believe the US gov said you can put in 10% Eth and not report it.
  6. youth is wasted on the young
  7. The verizon dude let me walk out of the store with my backup on a thumb drive. I went into the office and borrowed someone else's computer and did a restore. Wasn't the cleanest install ever but I have a working phone again. I guess if you have a PC and are good about backing up with the desktop manager, you should be ok. Just remember, you cannot call VZW on the Storm and ask for help as they will tell you to call back on a different line. You cannot call and ask about features or functionality because they will defer to BlackBerry. The line between where VZW helps and BlackBerry is responsible, is very fine.
  8. dont get one you dont need the headache
  9. I rolled into the store nearby and they said "you just do options, advanced options....." No jerk, it isn't working. "ok, just use your desktop" I have a mac eventually they put the manager on their pc in the back and hooked my BB to it. They removed all my enterprise data after reloading the phone but I have the new software. I am quite happy with the dude at the store. He's the man. He also showed me this http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller?item=phoneFirst&action=viewPhoneDetail&selectedPhoneId=4726 very cool, I need one.
  11. So can I march into some vzw office and say I want the latest version?
  12. Well, you can go downtown to the main office with ID and get er done.
  13. What version is this? I have parallels running XP, here is the cool fun that I am encountering. I also use Verizon EVDO and that will not allow parallels to share the link. So, I cannot upgrade my black berry because my service provider, doesn't want my VM to run.
  14. DMV, just registration, they can help. You need to make sure you take your title, your DL, your insurance and anything else that you think will get it to you.
  15. it isn't working via wireless update. I DON'T HAVE A PC TO DOWNLOAD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO PC I DO NOT HAVE A PC THERE IS NO PC
  16. right, but you have to use the BB manager and a PC for that. I don't have BB manager or a PC.
  17. There isn't a software update out, on Verizon's network. You can do it with BB Manager on a PC but I don't have a PC. I need the "legal" update to come from Verizon.
  18. call them, repeatedly how can we get them on the car warranty hit list?
  19. There is no enterprise service to provide email and corporate directory via the iPhone, not like BES anyway. Additionally, there is no iPhone on Verizon and ATT coverage at my house is crap.
  20. I had an 8830 world and was happy with it. The storm looked like a step in the right direction. I really would have preferred the Bold but that is ATT only. I guess Verizon doesn't like my $400+ per month billing and would prefer to carry shitty phones.
  21. It isn't that simple, changing from one BB to another is a PITA.
  22. Anyone know when there will be a software upgrade available for the BB Storm? I HATE this POS phone. Landscape, Portrait, it doesn't know when to do those things. Keyboard disappears while typing emails. The camera NEVER geo tags. The video recorder has never worked. 1/2 the time I make a call my ear puts the phone into speakerphone mode. I push unlock and wait 5 minutes for the phone to unlock. Answering a call from locked screen usually means the call rolls to VM (even though I pushed the answer key). I am just really put off by how bad this phone is. I realize I am an early adopter but ever since I got my iPod touch I have realized that things which are simple on the touch, are near impossible on the storm. I have heard the software that is out there is better, but VZW says they have no upgrade path and cannot tell me when better SW will be available. So, before I go to the verizon wireless store and demand they fix this freaking POS, I want to know if there is a change on the horizon and how long I have to wait.
  23. Funny how Apple is being blamed for ATT's rape you in the ass, policy.
  24. pdqgp's point is that his phone does this all by itself. Doesn't need a big crazy cradle/dock/adapter. dig this you guys that already have a 3G iphone and want to upgrade http://apple.slashdot.org/story/09/06/09/0022210/iPhone-Users-Angry-Over-ATampT-Upgrade-Policy
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