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Everything posted by Akula

  1. Trouble is, when you are a new home buyer.... you learn this AFTER the taxes go up. No one says "You know those "levies" everyone is talking about, that is your taxes going up. Or that guy driving real slow with the camera in the county truck, that is your taxes going up..." So lesson learned here is this. Your taxes will go up every year, and they are assessed once per year by whomever your escrow holder is.
  2. I split a lot off and built a house. The first year they charged me for taxes on the land. The next year it was land and house.
  3. Putty, your mortgage payment didn't change, your principal and interest are exactly the same. You can decouple your escrow from your mortgage and write a check for taxes and insurance.
  4. My taxes went from 2400 to 9300 in the last 6 months. I don't blame the mortgage company, accept they don't notify me until after they have loaned me the money.
  5. go buy a book called "What all good dogs should know" and do what it says.
  6. Akula


    wed - friday will be inexpensive for hotels. If you are planning on just walking around stay on the strip in the middle. I suggest Planet Hollywood or Ceasars. The shows are all good, get your tickets in advance. You can fly from CMH via Southwest pretty inexpensively. travelworm.com should be your friend.
  7. Sounds like your router has something wacky with it.
  8. I had a similar situation when I had a competitive car stereo. I said "it will cost X to replace the system" and they paid it. Since the dude was drunk and hit you, you are not to be screwed by this. Do not let them low ball you and if they do, call a lawyer.
  9. The papaya cream has an enzyme that helps break down all the protein.
  10. Open a command prompt. Ping http://www.cisco.com if that doesn't work it could be DNS, ping, if that doesn't work you got some kind of internet access problem. If you can ping, set that to your DNS server.
  11. Some of the people with the helmet strapped to their bike, are going places they are required to wear one. Some are just morons.
  12. Anyone have one out there? I have had mine about a month now, and with the exception of using it at home, I like it. On the road and in the car, it works quite well. Lately it doesn't want to run over 100Kbps at home, unless I plug it into my laptop. Strange.
  13. Aren't all flowers solar powered?
  14. I have been to Fogo in Chicago, Atlanta and DC. The most important thing to remember at Fogo is they will bring you your choice. You can sit there and eat Filet all night. $120 is cheap for two people. My guess is you didn't have a bottle of wine from their huge wine selection, or desert (good creme brulee) or after dinner drinks (Lagavulin anyone?)
  15. All of my neighbors either have satellite they hate, or evdo. The whole neighborhood would buy if we had anything available.
  16. I go to see if I can order Road Runner. Ofcourse the website says I can only get cable. I click the online chat button to ask if they are going to build out to my area. The online chat person says, "it is available at your address, would you like the pricing" YES!! Kaching! Sweet. I can get off of EVDO and iDSL. I call the customer service center and ask for the price I was quoted. They tell me "it is not available at your location" How is that for some good systems and excellent company communication. I keep calling them over and over just to waste the time of the sales people.
  17. Looks like I got it together so I am pleased about that. Good to meet you Mike.
  18. What are you doing to make yourself worth more?
  19. Read my post. I don't know if she has anything but you can email her and find out. Send me your email first.
  20. I had 10 in my yard last year during hunting season. I don't really like venison so I didn't take one but I am sure they will be back.
  21. I don't like the staged realism. If it was me and I was looting, I would be killing a motorcycle gang.
  22. Certified by the US Navy in Micro and Miniature soldering. I have done SMT and thru-hole for a few years. You just need a jumper installed?
  23. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=JY0&q=home+based+business+opportunities&aq=3&oq=home+based+busi&aqi=g10
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