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Everything posted by Akula

  1. Ohio has no medical pot laws. Though THC has been linked to several anti-cancer drugs as a very effective aid in delivery. Plus nausea and appetite are usually problems with chemo patients and pot helps with that as well. plus it gives you something to do. laugh at simple things.
  2. well, http://www.norml.org is following it. what more info do you want? is she in cali?
  3. Not sure how I am late on it, the Press Conference happened yesterday. I realize the HR was released in April. I work in California all the time, plenty of medical pot places. The local laws are lenient but the feds aren't.
  4. Ohio has pretty lax rules http://norml.org/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4557
  5. I was a Submarine Sonar Tech. Any guesses as to how many sonar jobs there are in Columbus? Do something you want to learn about, do something you will enjoy. The experience you will get, the GI Bill and all of that, are worth way more than whatever your MOS will be.
  6. There are 11 states with minimum laws. so if you are caught with less than x, you are good to go. Some states, Nevada, defer to federal statutes.
  7. Not-for-profit exchange. If I sell it to you at cost, that isn't for profit, right?
  8. http://www.house.gov/frank/hr5843summary.html I like this, good steps to put a taste of sense on this issue.
  9. I was in China a few months back and ordered Ramen. Very good. http://pages.google.com/edit/scubaforlife/IMG_0625.JPG/IMG_0625-full;init:.JPG
  10. I like it. I like it, alot. I for the last 3 weeks I have been getting phone calls from the same number. Phone rings, I can hear a call center in the background, no one there. Someone on an auto-dialer didn't log out when they went on break. anyway, every day for 3 weeks, around the same time. finally a person on the other end of the line. I answer. "Hello and thank you for calling me regarding my current craigslist posting for bed linens" the dude on the other end "this is ryan with FOP..." I interrupt "No, this is Akula, with the linens for sale" the dude "er, um, I was calling..." "for the linens right? they are 600 thread count southern US cotton, gold in color..." CLICK Haven't heard back.
  11. went to see Dark Knight last night at a theatre in Mountain View CA. during the movie, joker has that bar over batman's chest, pulls out the detonator, batman starts hoisting him up WTF? Too much weed, what just happened? At the end of the movie people all went the manager and she said "yeah, I have been doing this all day" and started handing out free passes. why not put up a sign, 2 minutes missing from the movie ? Anyway, I didn't miss much but I thought it was funny because she was saying "how many" and handing out free passes. Some guy walked up and said "10".
  12. Questions that haunt me: Can you cry under water? like sobbing, weeping, or crying like to cry out yelling? either way, yes. How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? typically this is a murder of a political or religious figure so only a little important Why do you have to 'put your two cents in'... but it's only a 'penny for your thoughts'? Where's that extra penny going to? Neither of these Idioms make cents to me.... Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity? Nope, cuz a soul don't need clothing. Why does a round pizza come in a square box? because if it wasnt the boxes would roll around the store all the time What disease did cured ham actually have? triconosis How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage? focus, the astronaughts didn't have luggage Why is it that people say they 'slept like a baby' when babies wake up like every two hours? because when they are asleep, nothing can wake them (aside from hunger, or wetness) If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing? the court does the hearing, not the plaintiff/defendent Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV? because you can carry the DVD that you are in, once the tv is off you aren't on anymore. Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? Perspective Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway. they are busy spending the money you are going to give them Why is 'bra' singular and 'panties' plural? cuz bras and panty is just strange Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat? as the element deteriorates you may need to crank the amperage to this point to get a perfectly toasted piece of bread If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him? People like to be entertained Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane? yes because there are usually two mortitions in there If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat? they were shooting for 100 episodes so the show could go into sydicated rerun Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs! one is beyond domesticated If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't he just buy dinner? that is a head scratcher, perhaps he only had the ACME catalog and they don't sell food If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from? small corn and small vegetables If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? no, moralrons Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune? depends on who is on the piano Why did you just try singing the two songs above? to see if they were Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but call it a hemorrhoid when it's in your butt? asteroids are outside the atmosphere, not the hemisphere Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride, he sticks his head out the window? my dog doesnt get mad, he sneezes on me
  13. It ain't the Buckeye's I hate. It is the OH IO screaming (on an airplane) 4+ years ago national championship wearing day after the season "here is what OSU is up to" on the news having fans that probably a) didnt go there, b) only cheer for OSU when drunk and c) believe burning things will solve the problems of their team
  14. I have dish and dsl, out in the boonies.
  15. Wait, you are supposed to cook them?
  16. I have noticed more and more released directly to dvd. eliminates the cost of distribution to the theatre.
  17. That my friend is both offensive to Douch Bags and Nerds. this is B2B focussed, with marketing, no?
  18. gotta start somewhere, take the contract.
  19. I love threads like this. I am a cheap ass that wants to look like I am not. What is the best deal I can get on a <insert expensive looking car here>. Just ask where you can rent it, pay for it, get on with your life.
  20. Akula


    A prenup, because if suddenly she doesn't like anal she isn't going to show me how it feels...
  21. Better safe than sorry. It talks about sex.
  22. didn't feel it in sunnyvale.
  23. Akula


    You have to have a lawyer do it or it won't be as air tight as you want.
  24. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080714/od_nm/britain_dc sorry forgot, this might be NWS
  25. I have an RO system for drinking water, and a softener. I got a Hague system (I think). Kinetico is another brand but they wanted like $8000 for what I got with the Hague.
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