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Everything posted by Akula

  1. For a remodel? New home build? Building a church? A Business? I like Schumacher Homes for a new build.
  2. You will want to get a carb rebuild kit, it is a bunch of gaskets/orings and jets. I would get the manual for the bike and tear them down, they are simple to take apart.
  3. Take your plug caps off and trim the wires back a 1/4 of an inch and reinstall. if that doesn't do it, it sounds like a lean step. engine goes lean because your floats are sticking and the carb isn't filling with gas fast enough. Take the carbs off, take the floats bowls off, clean it up.
  4. http://www.kcra.com/2008/0612/16578834.jpg ESL?
  5. Look for wet corners (typical for downspout problems). If the water is just coming up from the floor look in the sump basket, does it have water in it? If not you have a broken french drain, or your sump is pumping but it isn't making it to the street (blocked line).
  6. I prefer the stuff I buy in Amsterdam.
  7. what part of hilliard?
  8. Akula


    Also I have made a few dollars in Drips or DSPs as well. Something to look into.
  9. Akula


    he hasn't charged me anything....except the cost of the things I invested in.
  10. Akula


    Here is my financial advisor http://www.nmfn.com/danielneary he will take you to lunch and give you the pitch on whatever product fits your budget. tell him Jason Kent sent you
  11. Sure, you could setup a 1/4 mile easily. It is all fields on that end of the road. Morris Rd.
  12. I live pretty far out of the city. Today they closed the end of my street without notice. I guess it will be closed until fall (when school opens again). I called the engineers office and was told "annual paving" was the reason. They closed less than a mile of road for two months, causing me to have to drive 5 miles out of my way, for annual paving. Any one know where Dean Ringle lives? I would like to go close his road. </rant>
  13. ah, it is all clear to me now. you don't want to work from home, you want a home based business. That fox commercial makes the naive believe that they can be just anyone and pull down mad jack. If you watch the commercial a little closer you will see they are paid actors.
  14. Sharepoint sucks, also, it doesn't meet my requirements.
  15. I will have a web server up shortly, I have a T1 coming to the house.
  16. Hey, I need to get some software created in order to enable secure file sharing at my office. Basically I need a web system that allows files to be uploaded by approved persons, the file upload creates a unique code (26 or so characters long) and I can email to a person. They go to a url, put in the code and viola the file downloads to them. I used to have this at my old job and I am finding I need it again. Ideally it will accept LDAP as the authentication method so only employees can log in and use the system to upload and then the code allows anyone to download. Anyone out there have the skill to make this a reality?
  17. I liked the tribes on Discovery I saw a few years back that when they went to war they had a canoe race to determine the outcome. Had to build a canoe and race it a ways. Then they would have a feast and be happy. no, shooting people is much better.
  18. Akula

    I hate thieves

    My car used to get broken into twice a year, only if I forgot to lock the door. Then, the ADT guy would happen by. Watch for people selling you security now.
  19. It didn't dawn on me that you are 19. I would guess you don't have a degree, nor do you have experience that would convert into a work at home position. I work for a Silicon Valley tech company, I have 10 years experience in my field.
  20. I got to see this in London and San Francisco. It is very cool.
  21. I have worked from home for about 2.5 years now. I enjoy it. My wife has been working from home for 8 years, she likes it too. Some things to know. You get way more work done in way less time, you aren't bothered by your co-workers into going out for a smoke/coffee/lunch etc... You tend to work more, your office is really close by so you tend to pick up the laptop and do just one more thing... You don't commute so you put way less miles on your car. Also, if you qualify you can write off a portion of electric, gas, mortgage etc... (this is a tough one to make happen as it is based on AGI but it is possible if you jump thru the right hoops). I would say that in a given 6 hours I work more than I would in 10 at a office. Most Silicon Valley companies believe in work at home because they don't have to rent expensive office space and they know the employees get way more done. You will miss seeing the folks you work with but that is what IM is for. I work on a team that has people all over the world and I IM with them every day.
  22. put up the incrementals and plot it on a graph. do you have egt modules?
  23. IMHO, if you drove over the speed limit (for whatever you consider an excuse) you were speeding. I am pretty sure the law is move over or slow down for emergency vehicles. You could have slowed down, it is a very limited set of examples where going over the speed limit is the right answer, especially if you are approaching emergency vehicles.
  24. I like Dish, Directv isn't bad either. I have Dish with an HD DVR and a cheap ass OTA antenna. I can DVR shows that are OTA.
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