So yeah, I just went on a jog this evening and it being my first one in god knows how long, it was rough. I knew I wasn't in shape but didn't know I was this out of shape. I tried to shoot for a 30 min light jog....didn't work out to well as after 10 minutes or so my chest hurt and I had to take a breather.
I'd like to get back down to around 175ish at least. That's the last time I remember when I could play ball and feel somewhat good about myself.
What do you guys reccomend for me to lose 50 or so pounds? I started last Wednesday by cutting out the soda, and have started drinking more milk and orange juice. I think I drink plenty of water a day (about 10-12 bottles in a work day).
What is some easy meals to cook without taking too much time/dinero?
Lastly, what kind of regiment should I set myself to? I'm not too concerned on building muscle as I want to slim down.
Thanks guys, sorry its so long
Cliff notes: I'm overweight, I want to lose weight, what do you recommend?