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Everything posted by Bam

  1. We've got like 4 tubes, I'll see if my dad wants to get rid of one. I'll PM you if so
  2. Bam

    new ....

    Welcome, it looks sweet.
  3. Bam


    Thanks for all the helpful hints guys. Me and the wife just went grocery shopping and got a lot good foods. I've thought about swimming, maybe I'll start that. Running was hard, maybe I'll try fast paced walking and see where that gets me. The biggest thing is how long of a process it is, I need to learn to be able to concentrate on something long enough. I'll be sure to check in like once a month or so and see how I've come along. Matt
  4. Bam

    New Guy

    Hey, welcome as well. I've seen you out, Nice looking ride. What kind of numbers does the car put down? Any 1/4mile times?
  5. Bam


    So yeah, I just went on a jog this evening and it being my first one in god knows how long, it was rough. I knew I wasn't in shape but didn't know I was this out of shape. I tried to shoot for a 30 min light jog....didn't work out to well as after 10 minutes or so my chest hurt and I had to take a breather. I'd like to get back down to around 175ish at least. That's the last time I remember when I could play ball and feel somewhat good about myself. What do you guys reccomend for me to lose 50 or so pounds? I started last Wednesday by cutting out the soda, and have started drinking more milk and orange juice. I think I drink plenty of water a day (about 10-12 bottles in a work day). What is some easy meals to cook without taking too much time/dinero? Lastly, what kind of regiment should I set myself to? I'm not too concerned on building muscle as I want to slim down. Thanks guys, sorry its so long Cliff notes: I'm overweight, I want to lose weight, what do you recommend?
  6. It would knock $10/month off my payment and save me about $600 if I kept the loan full term. I don't plan on keeping the loan full term so I'm not sure if I will refinance. My plan is pay the car off in about 14months, so it's about $120 in savings, not really worth it in my mind.
  7. haha, he called your 12.1 car slow....wonder what my 14second's would be.
  8. Sweet, I definitely need to get a few more mods then, but it'll definitely be fun. When you ran your 14.2 was it full weight or what? Did I see your car on Milzy Motorsports.com?
  9. Thanks Shawn, I'm on there as well but it would be great to find some local, save on shipping. Do you know what my wheels are called?
  10. I just want a pair of alloys to mount some wide sticky tires up. Will be on a 2001 GTP. Thanks Matt
  11. Looks great! Needs lowered though. What'd you use to remove the gunk under the badges? I want to debadge my car but whatever I use is never good enough. It blows... You gonna have it out tonight? Wanna race? hahaha
  12. It still sounds good and at least you know it moves once you got traction, lol. My topend blows, I need a turrrrrbo.
  13. Awww..are you sad you only got the 600? It's ok, don't let me rain on your parade.
  14. Holy shit, VTECURA...your car is SC'd? We need to line again because we played on Broad last weekend and I thought I smoked you. But if you've got a SC'd V6 then that's not how it should be. I think it'd be a good run, wanna play tonite? BTW I've got a dark red 4 dr GTP... remember me?
  15. Will do, I didn't want to make you sound like I thought you were lying, I just didn't understand how you put things. I do understand I have to pay off my interest that has already incurred, but from what I gathered you made it sound like I'd have to pay the full interest charge for refinancing. Will update Monday. Matt
  16. Yeah, trails was iffy, but it was fun. Sorry you could'nt hook up worth a damn. I really didn't have that much of a problem, cut a 2.1 60' and (2) 2.2 60's. My best last nite was a 14.500 @ 93.xx. My trap speed is quite slow so I'm not sure what to do about that, but 13's here I come. Oh and I'll let Derek give you the heads up on what he ran if he feels like it. Let's just say a Ford Focus would've got him a run or two. Better luck next time Derek!
  17. Eh, sounds like a hellua drive for a track day... But Shawn, I think we should run. You said you'd get me last time, and stock you might've but you run a 14.3 semi gutted, right? Cool, I wanna play. smile.gif Have you ever run full weight? Or what all do you remove for track runs? See ya out there [ 18. June 2005, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: BAM6I4 ]
  18. RUTAN, was that you at krogers w/ the black GTP, temp tags and a-pillar gauges?
  19. Bam

    saturday night

    Glad to hear last nite sucked, that means I didn't mean anything. smile.gif I did go to trails w/ some friends, it was fun except Derek couldn't get his car down the track in orderely fashion Anthony, what happpend? I thought you were suposed to be going?
  20. Damnit, didn't get to call yet. Could I make the call on Monday? Also, I got a PM from a board member that told me it wasn't worth it and that my payments would be the same on my loan even w/ the lower interest rates because I would have to pay the interest on my current loan as well. Is this true or not? Because I'm pretty sure if I pay off my loan early then I save myself the interest that I would've paid had I kept the entire term of the loan. Correct? Well I'm making the call anyways because what he said did not make sense in the least bit. Thanks Matt
  21. I'm down, just need to swap out my plugs w/ colder ones and I'm there. I'll probably be there early since I don't have work tomorrow, look for a dark red 4 door GTP. That's me smile.gif
  22. Yeah, what are you picking up and jesus how fast will you be driving? It's thursday, that's 3 days to cross the country....I've heard it takes longer? Good luck and pray for only a few speeding tickets, lol
  23. I'm making the call tomorrow...I'd like to refinance our 2004 Matrix we just bought. I got 6%, which isn't to shabby, but I wonder what the savings would be if I went with 4.64%. Thanks Clay!
  24. Damn! Was this fri or sat nite? Either way I missed the good shit. I saw Dr.ZO6 and Linn up at target polaris sat nite but left around 2:30 or so... Where'd you guys go after, I left cuz I thought it was dead. Horseshit!
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