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Everything posted by Ambrosia

  1. you could call the mormon's i did that one on my mom.....she thanks me heee hee heee oh if you look on the net you and send her free condom's too... my mom also thanked me to that one tooo.........hahahahhahhahaha
  2. im also planning to do that to the ass hole who killed my cat hahahhahaha
  3. no steeling my idea's ive been doing that to my dad for about 5 years
  4. Ambrosia

    bronx bmw..

    omg!!! thats a $60,000 bmw......and a 2004 wtf
  5. Ambrosia

    blue book

    ops! i was looking under the wrong thingy. THANKS!!!
  6. what kind of topics are you looking for: political work place school health such as disease std's ???????????
  7. graemlins/thatfunny.gif tell em
  8. Ambrosia

    blue book

    they only cover 2000-2004 graemlins/doh.gif
  9. Ambrosia

    blue book

    does anyone know of a web site that you can check the blue book value of a car?
  10. Ambrosia

    help needed

    yeah i know...but it gives everyone an idea of what he likes...i think his movies are gross personal but i do gotta watch them with him most of the time
  11. _ [ 11. November 2004, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: THE_BITCH_OF_FURY ]
  12. Ambrosia

    help needed

    oh by the way he likes movies that are basiced on real wars not made up ones...thanks
  13. Ambrosia

    help needed

    thanks guys! yeah he already has: geronimo tora tora tora blank hawk down incident at oglala american history X and we were soldiers so if anyone can think of anything else please let me know....oh he also likes history movies too....thanks
  14. Ambrosia

    help needed

    ok im looking for some really good war movies for the bf, but im not big on them my self so...im not sure what the good ones are...anyone know?
  15. u know some time i wish some people in this world would put a paper bag over their head graemlins/nutkick.gif
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