I went to the doctor about 3 weeks ago, spent $100.00 and I still have posion ivy. This sucks. I think I'm just going to fill a baby pool up with bleach and live in it for about a week, that will get rid of this shit.
your screwed, you should have taken the test, its better if you take it and fail then to refuse from a courts point of view.
and 2nd any open container in the front or back is NOT ok. in there eyes it could be pass from one person to the other.
I've got f*ing poison ivy for the 1st time in my life, and tomorrow I've gota go to the doctor so they can stab me with a big f*ing needle in the bum bum. This sucks. end rant
I'm Ambrosia or sarah, dave's freind.
No I don't have any cert, and I don't want fast food, I don't really need job, but I'm thinking of getting one.I want something cool tho. something that will be able to keep me busy.