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Everything posted by koolrayz

  1. Anybody want to go riding on the bus with me http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc122/koolrayz/DSC09417.jpg
  2. My favorite is when they post "I really dont feel like looking for my slip"

    It makes me want to post "I really dont feel like posting yout time slip"

  3. ****BOOSTED ACE****BOOSTED ACE***** Please put this in the format asked for. I would for you but I cant see some of the slip details. Your post should look like this Greg You did a great job on your post!!!! I do need a video or a slip before I can add it to the list. ANYONE ABOVE THAT HAS POSTED A TIME BUT NOT PROVIDED ANY OF THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE LIST.
  4. PM sent Slip for said run http://i753.photobucket.com/albums/xx178/nther91408/72c38c0a.jpg
  5. Cant go to the first one may 8th but I will be going to the later ones. The Norwalk friday night Choas 8.90 index is another one you need to try and make
  6. May 8th is the first test race. You will fit in the rules Matt, they are very loose. Check out the big thread on bullet on this.
  7. http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2009/5/21/633785003847122205-epictitsitups.jpg http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2010/2/17/634020270558955205-instructionsfinallysomethingweunderstand.jpg http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2009/5/9/633774582103260890-thelostandfoundbox.jpg http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2010/2/17/634020090962715725-teamjapan.jpg
  8. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs430.ash1/23782_349336288416_605903416_4815108_7305134_n.jpg
  9. here is mine. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28901
  10. koolrayz


  11. koolrayz


    Pussy, let your wife tell you what to do? Probably a good thing, that old man would have kicked your ass
  12. Aviaid Makes some REALLy nice dry sump systems for the LS engines I would have loved to get one but they are to costly. I am not using the factory windage tray or the dry sump tank. I am also modifying the pan to help with the problems associated with the oil not getting to the pickup. For the price I got the takeoff system for and the upgrades I wont have a lot into this system. Another thing is the oil passages around the filter needed porting badly. Thanks for the tips! As far as the shroud I disagree. If I was using something like the spal fans then yes allowing the natural air flow to pass the areas not in direct contact with the fans would work when the vehicle is at speed. The rest of the time it would not be as helpful. The fans I am using put out OVER twice what a good spal does. In addition unless the front of the car is sealed directing the air through the radiator it will take the path of least resistance, that would be in the fan intake or around the radiator. Pushers suck, it takes twice the fan to make them work because you loose the natural air flow, the key is using the whole heat exchanger.
  13. I use a 94 suzuki 250 quad with a snow plow. When the snow is really deep I have to make the first pass with the blade up. You also have to start with a really wide path on the first storm. After you have a side pile built up it wont throw it over the pile so any new snow just keeps creeping in untill it is a fairly narrow drive, which is what I have now. My drive is about 350' and there is a "T" apron where I turn left to the house or right to the shop.
  14. I have a 5.3 litre aluminum block thats going in. LS7 dry sump, free weight reduction and putting the wiring from the engine bay under the dash. Almost ready to paint the engine bay.
  15. WE WILL EXCEPT VIDEO NOW. Paul do you have the 60' from this pass and the date? Shock me and put this in the format that was asked for in the original post
  16. I would love to have a puller system but there is NO room. These fans are monsters where the one would blow last year the radiator would be cold to the touch. The radiator was a 12X23 shirroco style radiator. It was just to small and the residence time of the fluid in front of the fan was not long enough.
  17. I need to get motivated and finish the engine bay. Cold weather has been getting me down. I was having some cooling issues last year and went to a bigger radiator. Now I can use two fans and I made a nice shroud. Afco 27.5 X 16 double pass. http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc122/koolrayz/DSC09166.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc122/koolrayz/DSC09175.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc122/koolrayz/DSC09171.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc122/koolrayz/DSC09172.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc122/koolrayz/DSC09174.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc122/koolrayz/DSC09176.jpg
  18. I will host it. PM me fo email addy
  19. J/K Guys just hold tight as we are looking at some possible rule modifications
  20. I have slips for sale, $50 for low 9 sec, $40 for high 9sec, 10 sec slips are $20 to $30 PM me for payment infomation and to have the slip link emailed.
  21. I would check the driveshaft angle. When you raise the engine the trans will pivot, will tilt the output shaft down. Just something to keep an eye on. Good luck with your project!
  22. When the prescription bottle says "warning alcohol may intensify the effect" that is more than just a suggestion
  23. Guys it is not a matter of personal integrity, it is the integrity of the list. You must post a time slip. oooop's Brian beat me to it. I will host your slips for you if need be, email it to me.
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