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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. yeah I think anderson will have trouble with the 205 wrestlers. His stand up is top notch, although he hasn't faced a stricker like liddell or griffen. Henderson worked him in the first round on the ground. I think it will be interesting to watch.


    arloski looked goo too. a fedor vs arloski seems to be the next big fight for affliction.

  2. +1


    got to agree here. everyone on this site has broken the law at some point or another.


    i feel bad for linn, and wish him the best, but this was a long time coming, and unfortunately, i don't think it was a coincidence at all, that the police waited until his car was involved. i think he was singled out a long time ago, to go down in this.


    I aggree with this 100%.

  3. Not hard to figure it out, some of the people that got caught are ratting out people who were just there and were not involved with this whole situation. I hope they are prepared to deal with both the consequinces that come with the legal issues and that come with ratting people out.


    maybe an indirect threat?

  4. the judge and lawyers are going to try everything to get people to talk. give names of people involed ect. they will offer you a deal if you give said people up. there are a few people on here that went through this same thing a few years back down here. there was 11 people that turned the "right" way. they want to know who those people are. tough spot to be in. but making a threat if they talk is pretty immature, if your man enough to do the action be man enough to take responsibility.
  5. ok so I checked out those wbsites, but do any of them clean your computer without paying? I downloaded the stopzilla, it will scan but won't fix anything with out a subscription.


    also, I ahve verizon security suite, it finds these spyware items and deletes them but they keep coming back. is my best options just to pay for this crap?

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