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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. ok the past couple days I have been having websites just pop up out of nowhere in their own window, they entually just go away on there own as well. I have verizon security suite with pop up blocker. I have deleted cookies and all that, ran the virus scan. what can I do to get ride of these? its a different site everytime.



  2. cool racing on narrow lanes with houses around, thats awesome! Too bad they didnt hit an old lady wondering around then they could've been ridiculed on here...oh wait maybe not.



    BTW good runs!


    racing on a back rd with no traffic is safer than on a rd with traffic. well as safe as it can be..... and that looks like its a st rt, so its not a narrow as it seems.

  3. the koscheck/lytle and griffin/jackson fight were both good fights. Forrest fought the smartest fight of his career. he got his knicks in a backed out. I think jackson hits harder than anyone in the ufc. but those leg kicks won him the fight.
  4. hippa laws won't alow them to show it to you. have your wife ask to see it and she can show you. Your wife on Dialysis? and you mean 28000 WBC. that would indicate an infection. and if her infection continues or gets worse her WBC could drop very low indicating depletion of WBC stores. Remember normal is 4-10K.


    PS my wife is a dialysis nurse, s she is sitting here telling me what to say.


    Hope everything works out for her!

  5. i think my policy must be different....im covered in anything i drive, my insurance follows me not my car


    most policies read they are excess to any other ins. so yes, if you were driving a vehicle that did not have ins yours would cover it. all policies read different, this is just typical.

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