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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. I just got back from a norwegian cruise line a couple weeks ago. the ship was great, very nice. went to cozemel and grand caymen. my wife and I loved it. I agree don't do the excrusions.


    get a room in the middle of the ship as that is where there is the least movement.

  2. The problem with this country is not Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or John McCain.


    The problem with this country is that there are so many ignorant, under educated, half witts (like yourself) who journey through life with unwarranted esteem in their own intelligence. These people (like yourself) are so easily manipulated and stirred into a fine frenzy by fallacious propaganda and undocumented contrived polemic. Those people (like yourself) create these underground grass roots movements that convince a network of other people that these fallacies are fact and have half the country now making decisions based on the manipulative agenda of someone in tune with how fucking stupid people (like yourself) really are.


    If you truly don't care, the least you could do is fact check the stupid shit that you choose to project to those people (like yourself) who just might believe you.



    PS... Citing World Net Daily and Israel National News as factual sources. Are you fucking serious. If somehow you succeeded to take my suggestion and go back to school to learn how to use rational reasoning skills, you might take note that our National Enquirer is not an acceptable source for credible information.


    I posted that stuff for people to read and make their own opinions. worldnew and israel nation are just as credible than cnn or fox to me. at least those media outlets are reporting normal peoples opinions and not what someone says they have to report. if even one of those things ar tru about obama its enough to not wants him as president.


    your right Kenny, I am ignorant and stupid and what ever else you chose to call me. You keep watching cnn and fox I am sure your so smart you don't know what to do in life.



  3. hes a christian at this church?




    "We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. "


    thats the kind of christian I want running my country.


    commitment to africa!!!!!

  4. his words to make you vote for him.


    i want to know why he doesn't put his hand over his heart

    and why he wont say the pledge


    because he is a muslim at his roots and once in power we will all see who is "really" in power. God help us all.....

  5. Just because his parents (mother I believe) was a muslium and was given a muslium name does make him muslium. before you make a blanket statement like thatmybe you should spend oh.... 30 seconds on google wher you will see he is a active christian and has gone to the same church (his words) for over 20 years.


    By your thought process anyone with a name of German decent must be nazis right?


    funny.....google i where I read all that. you can't beleive anything he says, of course he is going to say he is a christian. thats what americans want to hear. why don't you search google, youtube, ect. You will some some alarming things. I am not here to have a political debate. I am not confident with any of the potential candidates. frankly I just don't care anymore....

  6. I work in a very big teritory now. from highland co to athens. my office is in the middle, but I could drive 2hrs one way to an inspection. I think I am paid well, and being over worked is all in time management. we were all told how busy we would be and 12hr day ect. I haven't worked 30min over since I have been there. maybe its just my manager, I don't know. But Progressive is making some changes that I am not sure I like, so I might be looking for a change.
  7. if obama gets elected it will just confirm that the country is going to hell. a racist muslim....thats what america needs. as well as having his brother burn christians alive in churchs, wonder if thats true? oh well what can we do?
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