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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. I know I am definetly getting out of this house I am in now this yr, whether it be to go south or just across town. I am just looking to see what kinda of stuff is out there on that side of town. I am goin to South Carolina in july to see what they have there, if there is nothing there then I am moving to the east side.


    cool.....I am trying to get the wife to move to miami. I am disliking the cold weather more and more every year.

  2. well....kinda strange. no spark out of the coil. realized the distributer was loose and was out of time. set it straight and it started. ran for a few hours and then went to start it and nothing again. went and got a new module and its running again. I guess we will see if it was the module to begin with. not sure why it would keep starting then not though.....
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