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Everything posted by AhSatan

  1. I'm lost what exactly was his problem Don't lie to GSRchick and let her believe you can actually last 4-6 hours
  2. He ment I probably posted the topic on CR to see what everyone would say. He's just a stupid kid with nothing else better to do.
  3. Hey instead of spending all your free time on trying to think of good posts why don't you spend it on figuring out why your car is so damn slow.
  4. If you wouldn't like to hit that maybe you would be more intrested in this http://www.gaysexpoint.com/chipdales/www.chipnda
  5. No silly they don't have room for me in there car
  6. Yep that would be me Yea you probably would get a good package deal but I was just checkin
  7. I'll be there. I'm also bringing my Mommy and Daddy lol
  8. Welcome! Would you be intrested in buying a HKS BOV or some front brake pads??
  9. I guess my mind isn't as sick as some of yours
  10. I dunno if this just went over my head but what exactly do you mean
  11. You just happen to have moved closer to the "Westside" region than the Grove City area. Maybe you should have looked harder for the nicer part of town.
  12. AhSatan


    Why is there so many ZO6's on CR tongue.gif
  13. 1989 Ford Mustang GT 1997 Dodge Dakota 1997 Pontiac Grand Am 1998 Pontiac Firebird 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse 2003 Volkswagen GTI 2004 Pontiac GTO
  14. I was just wondering why you cant you clean your own house? It takes me less than 30 min every week and my house always looks spotless and I have 2 Huskys and 3 cats. But I have more time than money and would rather have car parts lol Hey Satan.....You wait patiently for alot of shit dont you
  15. Welcome Back I see you all the time. My work is right behind your sub division
  16. Glenn and George shouldn't you be working tongue.gif
  17. You seen me at the dyno and almost all night Saturday. Wasn't that enough
  18. I was going to pick Silver Bullet but someone already has that plus some of your minds go into the gutter WAY to much so I figured that would be bad
  19. Yep that was me in the Silver GTO....I just got the car on Friday and it was also my first time racing so the guys in the White Corrado (my friends) were showing me what and when to do it. I had a good time and learned alot
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