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Everything posted by Bird69

  1. Bird69

    Dual boot pc

    Pat: it's ok, i don't live on here either. it's a 300 gig w/ 182 gigs free, i've tried windows disk management, arconis disk director and i'm going to try Joe's here after it burns the iso. Joe: thanks man, i'll give it a shot
  2. Bird69

    Dual boot pc

    ok, next question, i go to shrink my partition to make a new volume, i can only shrink it a gig. know how i can shrink it more for the xp partition?
  3. Bird69

    Dual boot pc

    ok cool. thanks. i'm pretty new to 64 bit, i should have just stuck to what i know, but hind sight is 20/20
  4. Bird69

    Dual boot pc

    I want to dual boot my pc. i have vista 64 bit already installed and want xp pro 64 bit as my second os. i did some research and found this: http://www.pronetworks.org/forum/about88231.html i just wanted to make sure before i did anything that this would work. thanks.
  5. doh $134.96 next day
  6. i'd almost buy it just so he'd have to take it off
  7. Bird69

    speed test

    sorry dude, i'm usually about a month behind.
  8. Bird69

    speed test

    pretty cool thorne. thanks. 6850 down and 465 up.. not bad for 7mbps and not on a dedicated line.
  9. Bird69

    speed test

    i stumbled on this and liked the layout. http://www.speedtest.net/result/217498170.png
  10. there's still a lot of season left.... i saw that. my wife was sleeping by then, but i woke her up to show her. she said "that's nice" and went back to sleep.
  11. thanks man, looking good was all it fuckin did. first run, i got stuck in 1st gear.. r/t: .727 60:2.39 330:7.62 1/8: 12.593@52.51 1000:16.471 1/4 19.934 @ a blazing 60.73. my second run was better, i started in drive and just left it there this time.. r/t .595 60 2.325 330 6.875 1/8 11.243 @ 59.33 1000 14.755 1/4 17.666 @77.23 i was expecting 17's, hoping for faster. since friday, every extra dollar i make is now going to go to rebuilding the engone and transmission. how'd you do?
  12. fuck, didn't know it would be that big
  13. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a345/bird69/IMG_012511.jpg
  14. that was fun, everyone i met was pretty cool. my runs sucked but i wasn't expecting anything great anyway, it's definately time for an engine and tranny rebuild.
  15. after 100 runs it would a long push back to gahanna. i'll see you guys up there.
  16. will do. it's $10 for 3 runs, right?
  17. i'll probably be there. i don't know if i'm taking the firebird or not yet. i've never done a track run and i'm pretty excited about it.
  18. there should be a nameplate with the specs on it, it should have a wiring diagram. take off the plate where you wired it, and look at the back and it should tell you.
  19. wna, Home depot dipshit tried to tell me i needed #2 AWG copper for my 50 amp hot tub when i needed #8, then gave me attitude when i said no, just give me 8. #2 is good for 130 amps and 8 is good for 55 amps. besides, home depot is a ripoff on anything electrical besides 60 amp disconnects and if you need like 1 outlet or switch. /end home depot rant. AJ, i've been ready for 5 years man. pm sent.
  20. yes, probably. check the spec sheet that came with the heater, it should tell you amp draw. if the breaker is too small, go to beckers, loeb any electric supply house, NOT HOME DEPOT and get a bigger breaker. you'll probably need bigger wires if you need a bigger breaker. fell free to call me with any questions you have. 668-0148
  21. they are, my version of dvdfab was just released yesterday, but if you want to look into it for me, i'd appreciate it and i'll get you some beer sometime
  22. ok, i tried everything it said on afterdawn, kept crashing. the last program i used was anydvd, in win xp sp2 compatability mode as an admin. this time i got a bluescreen that said... KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR technical info *** STOP; 0x0000007A (0xFFFFF88001F1510, 0xFFFFFFFFC0000185, 0x0000000046A8A820, 0xFFFFF96000298088) *** win32k.sys - address FFFFF96000298088 BASE AT FFFFF96000000000 i appreciate your help guys and anymore you want to send my way, maybe i just wasn't meant to burn dvds
  23. anyone having any problems ripping/decrypting/burning dvds on vista? i have vista 64 bit and i've tried dvd decrypter and dvd shrink both the latest versions and it starts decrypting fine then about half way into it, i crash pretty hard. is it my burner, vista or what?
  24. Thanks but that didn't have what I needed it only had the whole assembly and just my glass is shatter. any other ideas? Thanks
  25. Can anyone give me a web site or sell me a replacement rear view passenger mirror for a 2007 Ford Freestyle AWD Limited? (just the glass) sorry if this is in the wrong place. Thanks
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