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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. LMAO, dude, I don't know why I found that so funny, but I just spit OJ everywhere!
  2. I'm down 7 lbs in 2 months changing nothing else in my diet
  3. haha kinda spooky that at the end, he was beating it again to his mother's voice
  4. smokin5s

    WTB..Zip drives

    if you do this, you better make sure that the drive is encrypted... actually come to think of it, ZIP disks, or whatever type of media that you decide to use needs to be encryted... I know that myself as a customer would not feel comfortable with leaving my personal and or financial data any other way. (as well as it being law)
  5. smokin5s

    WTB..Zip drives

    Also remember, after Dec 31st in order to be PCI compliant any machine that isn't a fixed machine has to have it's drive encrypted as well.
  6. looks like it requires 3 "'s which is what I see you did... when you said double up on quotes, I thought you meant 2 quotes reading > me
  7. ok, so I'm trying to do something incredibly simple... but for the life of me, I can't get it to work right... I'm pretty much writing a VBS file that calls an exe... only issue is, the exe has spaces in it's path and won't work... if I take the spaces out of the path, it works fine how do I fix it? Attached is the code that I'm using. The reason why I'm using it is I'm trying to remotely call the exe off of a website... I have the code in there for it to populate the computer name, but for this example, I figure it's just easier to make it call the local host name. ******************************* strComputer = "." strCommand = "C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise\mcupdate.exe" Const INTERVAL = "n" Const MINUTES = 1 Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set objScheduledJob = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ScheduledJob") Set objSWbemDateTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime") objSWbemDateTime.SetVarDate(DateAdd(INTERVAL, MINUTES, Now())) errReturn = objScheduledJob.Create(strCommand, objSWbemDateTime.Value, False, 0, 0, True, intJobID) ****************************
  8. The only comment that I am going to make is, why is the iPhone people saying how great it is, when they have to "jailbreak it" (*cough modify *cough) to make it work exactly like Andriod does out of the box... and even at that it's just a half assed attempt.... to quote Will Smith, "iPhone: old and busted, Droid: new hawtness"
  9. I don't agree... the keyboard is different... but once you get used to it, it's just like any other keyboard. I've never been much for on screen keyboards and it seems to work just fine for me. With that being said, it would be alot nicer if maybe the screen slid up a bit more allowing a little space between the top of the keyboard and the first row of keys.
  10. nice werk mang... now it makes sense what you were telling me the other day
  11. ?? I've never had any issues with speed... but to answer your question, like mostly everyone has said... (except Putty) go with the Droid. I showed a couple over the weekend that we went out to dinner with that owns iPhones my Droid and they both said that they wished they would have waited and got a Droid instead of their iPhones.
  12. the wedding itself was 1k, but how much was your entire trip?
  13. I think ours was 5-10k and was absolutely beautiful and a memory we will have for the rest of our lives. BTW, was paid for by us.... our parents are broke like Joe said, just budget for it, and if it takes a year or two to save up for it then it's worth it... I don't get why people feel the need to get engaged right away and then get married shortly after that..
  14. Dang Austin, I might have to get with you on helping me figure out how to set my property up... we plan on this being the house that our grand kids visit us at, so we want to do it right.. the only catch is, like I said, the house that we are living in now, is a 3-5 year deal and then our dream home will be built and this will be removed (or maybe relocated to the back of my property... we don't really know yet)
  15. the house that's on it now honestly, will only be standing for 3-5 more years, in that time, we're going to pay off our debt and hopefully save enough to build our dream home.... at that time, we'll get everything dug right and get it sloped from the house properly. Until then, I want to make sure that I don't have free standing water that my dogs can get into and make a mess in my house or free standing water to attract misquitos as well as be a bitch to mow because it's always wet. how many tiles do you need? do you spread them out 10 feet apart? I have 3 1/2 acres of land so that could get very costly if I do that. again this could all be very premature and it could be standing water just because of the insaine amount of rain we've been having coupled with all the snow that's melted over the past few days.
  16. SHOULD drain, but have in mind, we had 6 inches of snow on the ground, which has melted in the past few days, plus a shit ton of rain, I don't see how ground can absorb that much water that quick... does anyone know how to put in those drains? (and yes, I will probably want to put them in this spring)
  17. isn't the exploder 4x4?
  18. 3 1/2 here.... I'm about the same... half the yard is under water
  19. I hope it goes away... my father inlaw said he thinks it's because of the ground being frozen all the rain we're getting... I hope so because drain tiles aren't cheap to put in.
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