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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. FUCK THIS SHOVELING SHIT! I need a quad or a snow plow I can mount to the front of my riding mower... even a 4x4 with plow if the price is right... what do you have?
  2. fuck! wish I would have seen this a week ago before I bought mine.
  3. so is turbo tax that good even if you're dealing with 2 house sales, 1 house purchase (so we get the 1st time home buyers credit) cashing in some 401k, etc....?
  4. if you know of any for a good price let me know.... I'm sick of shoveling my driveway and then having to pay or call in a favor to get a friend to plow my country driveway.
  5. is that on a street or in the yard?
  6. I'd really like to get my taxes done soon and I was wondering who was doing everyone's taxes? Anyone that you would recommend? (Turbo tax isn't an option this year for me because of all the financial changes I made this year, I'm better off having an accountant do it)
  7. how big is it? is it small enough to actually be a CCW?
  8. is that factory or did they put a body kit on it?
  9. shoveling over a foot of snow off part of the driveway at 5am so the wife can get out fucking sucks... that is all.
  10. you don't need anymore... Wendy is the best around end of story... we were very hesitant on leaving our dog anywhere the first time we went to her place... when we got there (a HUGE farm) she went and laid in the kenel with our dog and turned out that our dog got along so well with them that she ended up staying in the house with her and her kids.... she has been great to us and even called us when she found out that our dog had passed on. Since we have recommended many people to her and will always use her... you can't pay enough for the kind of attention that she gives the dogs... (she runs them every day and just gives them alot of personal attention.)
  11. http://local.yahoo.com/info-43901200-red-barn-bed-biscuit-dog-daycare-boarding-ostrander#overview serious best around!!!! call Wendy and tell her Josh and Paula sent you... she's awesome!
  12. ya, we got a shit load up here in Marengo
  13. honestly, this is the first year that I've needed anything more than a snow shovel (we just moved out into the country...) So far, my neighbor was nice enough to help us out once, once time I shoveled the damn thing myself, and the other my father in-laws good friend came over and plowed it for us (and plowed half of our yard...) so I have a feeling we'll be widening our driveway this spring My parents did give us their snow thrower that they don't use, but having a gravel driveway, I've been affraid to use it.
  14. lowes or home depot will cut the glass for you while you wait.
  15. get out the Dell restore CD's and re-image the machine.... even if you get that shit cleaned up it will never run right again. What model Dell is it? If you can't find the restore CD's, I might be able to help you out depending on what model it is.
  16. getting sucked in is a good thing... it's when she stops is when the problem starts.
  17. shows how much I know... I don't even know what MW2 is
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