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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. I didn't know that MR2 had a truck lineup as well???
  2. they also wont go in their "personal area" either... that's why crate training is so effective. I tried to lay on the floor for them to sleep.... they would whine and want out, but if I let them out they would fall asleep right there in the middle of the floor almost as soon as they set foot outside of their cage. (I think it has something to do with they were outside dogs before we got them and never have been caged before.) I think a week or so from now they will learn that at night time they sleep and go in their cages... the tricky part is me going to be able to survive on more than an hour of sleep at night while these hellians whine and bark all night. P.S. gotta love that it's 6am and time to get ready for work and for the first time all night they have finally shut up!
  3. their mother is in Chilocothe, the cage was in my daughter's room... now we just brought it into our master bathroom and shut the door (but I'm seeing that ceramic tile just makes it echo more!) (but we do have a loud clock in there) they are in a cage together (sisters) and they only cry at night.... their father is yellow lab and their mother is syberian huskie. as far as potty training, NO WAY would I let them roam around my house and piss and shit everywhere, so potty training is a huge issue for me when it comes to me sleeping.
  4. so we have 2, 7 week old puppies... the cry ALL night... I figured I would ask if anyone knows any tricks to get them to stop. The only way that we can get them to stop is if we take them out of their cage, but that isn't an option because they are not potty trained.
  5. ya, I was looking at the new plans and my current plan is better than the new ones. (of course, you gotta love the 19% discount.
  6. smokin5s

    Magic Jack

    get ooma instead... it costs a bit more, but everyone I've talked to that has it said they love it.
  7. bills... maybe might put up a fence with some of it, but the biggest part is paying off debt.
  8. we use several different training collars for our dog... we used to use a bark collar alot, but now, we just keep a training collar on him all the time. (he has a nasty habbit or pushing his way out the door and taking off) so now we just keep the remote handy and it only takes a couple times for him to realize that he's not allowed... now he rarely jumps on the couch or bed and if he does, I just pick up the remote and he gets right down. BTW, what has helped us alot is we put one of his dog beds next to the couch... he knows that's his area and he will lay down on it when we're watching TV or playing video games.
  9. honestly, the audio player looks alot like the iPod audio player.... so you can just plug it in and play and it will show the album cover etc... on it...
  10. smokin5s

    DS Games?

    ya, the ending was a bit annoying... I'm not just doing the side quests that I didn't do before.
  11. smokin5s

    DS Games?

    so I have been playing Zelda Sprit tracks and I forgot how addicting / fun the DS can be. What games do you guys have that you love for the DS?
  12. wow, keep telling yourself that... I had an iPhone that was unlocked (loaded up with the pineapple, I can't remember what it was called....) and now I have a Droid... I couldn't stand the iPhone and I took it back, the Droid, I love it. my only complaint about it is the 30 dollars extra that I have to pay every month for it. (but the iPhone cost about the same) I will say that I do own an iPod and an iTouch... they are good to play MP3's... but to do anything else, Apple needs to give it up and let the big boys play.
  13. I could do simultanious voice and data when connected to my wifi.... which I figured would be the case since it was using multiple recievers.
  14. how old are you? maybe it's just the neighborhood I grew up in, but I never really whitnessed any white on black hate crimes or anything else. (btw I'm 30 to give you a point of reference to the time I grew up in)
  15. +1 BTW beer is the nector of the gods
  16. on the subject of racism... why can a black person say n**** but a white person can't? I caught my daughter tonight saying it.. I yelled at her and she said, "the black kids in class were calling each other that: and asked why it's a bad thing if they obviously don't have a problem with it and I didn't have a good response... just saying, "I'm black so I'm allowed to use it" is a bad answer... I'm Italian and I've never once called any family member or any other italian person a "W**" or "D****" or anything else racist... to me that's just stupid.
  17. I still have my moded car, but at the moment there's something wrong with it and I have zero urge to fix it... honestly, even before the engine problems, it has just sat for the past few years... I rather enjoy driving in my luxery sedan instead of the rough ride of my sports car.
  18. mine's at my father inlaws shop, I'll try to take a picture when I get the chance...
  19. I haven't tried that, but I'll give it a shot tonight and report back the results. my understanding was that it was because of the phone and not really the providor as much per-say.... thus the Bold was able to do both because it contained multiple recievers in the phone allowing for multiple connection points.
  20. another iPhone fan boy... coming from a guy who has used an iPhone, the Droid is better in every way minus simultanious voice and data... (which doesn't really matter much since AT&T's coverage is sub par)
  21. I love my Droid and think it is superior in every way to the iPhone... Google is definately on the right track!
  22. I dealt with this mess years ago, mother failed drug tests, I had a line of dudes that she fucked, was a bad situation... at the end of the day, a lawyer told me the court will still favor with the mother... messed up and hopefully someday we can change this mess, but for now, ur dude is screwed if it's his.
  23. I might end up going there as I've bought most of my appliances in the past from them. We are just looking for soething that can get us through for a few years unwe can buy a new set. with just selling 2 houses (and taking a huge loss) and buying a new one, money is pretty tight.
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