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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. Like Tim said, the weak point is the transmissions... (I replaced mine 4 times before I got rid of it with 80k on it.) the GP's are nice cars and handle very well in all weather, but god damn, I got tired of having the transmission going out. (And I drive like a grandpa)
  2. I followed it a little at first, but then I was lost
  3. fair enough. I won't be able to make a descision like that before wednesday anyways (we're closing on our house on friday and I need as much free cash until that day because of closing costs)
  4. HD = 1.2 meg storage size DD = 360k storage space SD = can't remember but it sucked... the way to tell the difference in the disks is, if you look in the center ring of the floppy, HD does not have a collar type of deal around the center cutout, DD does have the collar and SD only have one side clipped where DD and HD have both sides clipped (keep in mind one side is write protect, the other side signifies whether it is SD or not. SD = Single Density DD = Double Density HD = High Density
  5. dang, I didn't think they got me on tape!
  6. ya, but this is an '00 or '01, my Altima is an '08 and I paid waaaaaaaaaay more for the Altima than 10k. I guess I didn't realize that they depreciated that much used. Ninja edit, you're right, I could have almost 3 of them
  7. metal / glass chairs all have cushions on them. and yes Rob, it's at the same place that you picked up the grill from.
  8. dang, I must be doing something wrong... no way could I afford something like that at the age of 22... hell, no way I could afford that now!
  9. any pics man? I'll have to let you know after friday.
  10. it's an older patio set, comes with table, umbrella, 4 chairs and a little table... it's green and faded... I don't feel like taking pictures of it and it's free.... if no one wants it, we'll leave it for the new home owners. like I said, it's free!
  11. Actually I do have a bunch of junk in the basement that I would probably give away... I just don't want to go through it so I'm going to throw it in the storage unit and figure out what to do with it later.
  12. Word to the wise, don't ever bet this man he can't do something!
  13. dude, I respect your opinion, but I don't give a shit if you think it's the lazy man's way... if it doesn't hurt my dog and allows her to then become a viable member of my family is the quikest amount of time then it's a good tool to use.... to me, that's like the amish not willing to use cars or tractors...
  14. I have a feeling I priced WAY too low John is supposed to be picking this up tonight after work, I will update if things change. Thanks!
  15. my dog won't even chase the dot, she just stares at my hand as soon as I turn it on and looks at me like I'm stupid if I try to get her to chase it. as far as the training collar, I might have to give that a shot. I would be concerned though that she would eat the collar (since if I leave a color on her while in her crate, she somehow always seems to eat it. Has anyone tried putting a muzzle on their dog while in the crate, that way the dog can't bark.
  16. the bank is responsible for up to an acre of mowing around the property... anything above that acre, they will allow to grow.
  17. I don't play the game of dibs, whoever shows up with the money first gets them. Anthony, I lost your number when I changed blackberrys.
  18. yes, but then I am firm on 50 for the price. Let me know when you want it.
  19. oh man, too bad i didn't see this earlier, that could have been fun.
  20. or just bring it to my house on tuesday
  21. http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj196/smokin5s/table.jpg?t=1256425862 50 dollars... if you don't like that price, make me an offer. I want it gone by tuesday if at all possible, located in blacklick. If I still have it tuesday night then it's going up into my storage unit in Mt Gilead Ohio.
  22. so if they seperate, do I have to replace them or can I just tighten them down?
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