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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. a case of beer will last me a good 6 months. Honestly, I'm just too fat to drink my dinner.
  2. dude, I'm not attacking you... I'm just completely baffeled at how greedy and ignorant you are appearing to be.
  3. I was avoiding saying this, but I'm just gonna say it... doesn't bible skewl teach you to help your brothers and sisters?
  4. or the guy starts beating her and then leaves her with nothing. or what about the people who work 30 years at a jewb, then they close the plant.... then what? there has to be things out there to help people... there just needs to be better control on who gets it and make sure that it's people who truely deserve and need it.
  5. original motor and timing chain? what about tranny? I have 61k on my S10 and it has a new motor (timing chain snaped) and I have a new transmission sitting in the bed of the truck about ready to go in.
  6. jesus christ.... As I understand it, Earned income tax credit does exactly that... gives them a tax credit... pretty much like filing head of house.... do you think you shouldn't get a tax credit for that as well? (Paula is not able to file head of house and file for earned income tax credit) I'm in a higher tax bracket as well and I have to pay taxes for things that I don't agree with.... but I have said it before and I'll say it again, HELPING SOMEONE WHO IS TRYING TO HELP THEMSELVES IS OK, GIVING SOMEONE MONEY BECAUSE THEY ARE LAZY AND DON'T WANT TO WERK IS BAD. Are you guys sure that you aren't confusing earned income tax credit with Welfare or some other form of lazy people getting money? What about Workers Comp? you against that as well?
  7. Better descisions???? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't christian people against abortions? And don't lie to me and tell me that you were a virgin until marriage. So what descisions could she possibly have made better other than choosing a better partner which obviously she has now? They practiced birthcontrol, but as well all are aware (if you aren't read the back of the box) they are not 100% effective. And to make sure that I set the record straight, I have 2 people in my life that are directly effected by this... 1.) A COMPLETE WASTE OF LIFE... never sees her kids, collects SSN, Welfare, and gets all of the tax breaks in the world and just snorts away her money which causes my parents to have to pay for and raise her children. 2.) Someone who has done everything she can to better herself... works 40+ hours a week, now has 2 degrees and has a great little girl who I'm glad to have in my life and family. I agree that the system is flawed, but to give #2 a fighting chance I'm willing to overlook the fact that my tax dollars are going to such a waste of a human being as #1. If you can find a better way to help people who honestly need it and are trying, then please tell your congressman...
  8. I see nothing wrong with helping someone who's trying to help themselves... it's the people who are leeching off of the system and doing nothing to help themselves who i think this needs to stop.
  9. this isn't bad for everyone... my fiance gets it and without it, she wouldn't have been able to support herself.... she was a single mother raising her kid... worked all year.... it's meant to help the people who need it... the problem is, too many people take advantage of the system.
  10. said picture was taken 40 years ago... probably just a rock.
  11. i have a 2wd 4cyl s10 that I could maybe part with. 61k on body, ~500 on motor
  12. I want the Torpedo... where are you located at?
  13. meh to type in a URL, click on browser then click on your wheel and select Go To... then type in URL
  14. cruises are ok, but you run the risk of getting sick as well as you are not at any location for any period of time. You pretty much get 6 or so hours at each place which isn't really enough to enjoy each port...
  15. looks like I exceed WOW's limit waaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast... what else does everyone use for their service? I want something fairly inexpensive.
  16. let me know how much of it you have. I need enough to cover about 700 sq feet
  17. That's the same blackberry I have... tell me what questions you have and I'll try to help you.
  18. ya, when I was younger, I had alot of points on my license... when my insurance jumped to 611 a month, that was a wakeup call and I paid a mint to drive until my points came off... now, I pay that every 6 months and NEVER want to go back to that mess again.
  19. I know that Artie Langue is using Subutex to help kick the habbit and it seems to be helping him. you want a cheap way to help him? lock him in a room... don't let him out.... or send him to Maryhaven or something.... there has to be clinics out there that are non-profit or something since most drug addicts don't have jobs.
  20. oh ya, clean record for me does anyone know if warnings are recorded?
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