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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. honestly dude, go get a AMD 64X2 processor... they are pretty peppy... There's a company out of Cleveland that sells them for 250'ish and that's with a 250 gig drive, 2 gigs of ram and a nice PCI-E video card.... can't really go wrong with that... you'll just need to get some tuner cards and be good to go.
  2. permission? WTF are you guys smoking? I do what I want... it just happens to typically be with her.
  3. is that dealership only new cars or do they sell used as well?
  4. damnit, you beat me to it! depending on what's going on, might be in... is there going to be a babysitter provided or leave the kids with wifey?
  5. smokin5s


    bring your own condoms and wrap it... you're an idiot if you get mad that she "Lied" to you about protection... hell the whole act of sex was probably a lie anyways... "oh, this is good... you're the best...." j/k Joe, when you wrote that, for some reason it made me think about an old Chris Rock skit
  6. I have Sprint for my personal phone and Verizon for work... my Sprint phone and coverage is crap... my Verizon has great coverage and works ANYWHERE, but my Blackberry phone is crap so sometimes people can't hear me that well.... I had AT&T before Sprint and I would drop calls driving down Broad Street.... I was never completely satisfied with them. I'm thinking about maybe trying out Revol next.... with no contracts, if I don't like them, I'll just change to a different carrier.
  7. dude, I told you! Remind me and I'll show you how the Xbox 360 Media Center Extender works... if you mod your old xbox, you can put media center exender on that as well and have it on the other side of the house and access the same stuff as your other TV does... it's really a great way to go!
  8. a co-worker of mine has the 4 door GT... he is an absolutely horrible driver and beats the daylights out of his car... so far it's still doing pretty good minus the dents on it... I have heard no rattles in the interior either...
  9. I'm telling you man... just setup a media center machine...
  10. you never know... maybe fat kids will actually lose weight and break a sweat from playing the game.
  11. dude, did you seriously post valve steam seals as an upgrade or new? ummmm just saying that you have newer tires would be sufficient. how Negotiable are you on price?
  12. I would imagine that the technology is already out there. That would bring the Wii to a whole new level though with 1st person shooters though... since you have to move around with the Wii already, just imagine what it would be like having to actually duck and whatnot behind things... that could be pretty cool...
  13. if you're going into marriage thinking that you or her is going to cheat then maybe you shouldn't get married anyways.
  14. the movie was just MEH IMO... but it was nice seeing that hot blonde topless so many times.
  15. it really amazes me how one sided the system appears to be
  16. a little advice... build the stadium platform in the room that it's going to be in... don't build it in the garage and haul it up the stairs..... that sucked!
  17. is she a bad parent? if not, unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, the judge will side with the mother. the couple that my fiance used to nanny for, they had shared custody (SPLIT COMPLETELY DOWN THE MIDDLE.....) the father would have them one week, then the mother would have them the next... ALL WEEK ya, he's still paying out the ass in child support even though IMO there should be absoltely no child support since all custody is split down the middle. good luck man... the courts in my opinion are really screwed up.
  18. I can still hang out at bars from time to time... just no hawking at da ho's
  19. I just read over Ron Paul's views and whatnot and sadly I agree with most things he goes for which is more to say than any other canidate that we have on the ballot... looks like I might have just changed my vote
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