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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. smokin5s

    sales tax

    I think it's getting out of hand... time to call our local representatives and it for sure is 7 in Reynoldsburg I just saw it on my reciept today for Best Buy.
  2. smokin5s

    sales tax

    when the hell did it go up to 7%? this is getting rediculous! discuss
  3. smokin5s

    bounce boobs

    too bad they are covered up
  4. is it in the Wendy's parking lot?
  5. the real question is, do you own these games?
  6. trade for an xbox? Xbox has everything except controllers.. I'll include the 2 way headset, Halo 2, and Project Gothem Racing 2
  7. I know man, that's the tongue.gif and smile.gif were for... I knew it wasn't you... although that car is the same color as yours tongue.gif as far as threads being stupid... don't click on the link then... easy solution... besides, you're in Athens at OU, go get drunk and have fun! smile.gif
  8. smokin5s

    New Guy

    first rule to not be treated like a ricer... don't act like one smile.gif Words to live by.
  9. sell the body kit and get a set of working lights.... take the leftover 20 dollars that you get and put that in a savings account for a turbo tongue.gifsmile.gif
  10. it was a sweet car, that one engineer annoyed the hell out of me though.
  11. Don't ride the ass of a cars in front of you... yes my car is faster than yours and how much would you like to bet if I hit my breaks it will survive better than yours... that is all... oh ya... get rid of that gawd awful body kit, it looks ghey as hell!
  12. I agree.... you smoke weed (illegal narcontic) you were driving on a suspended (illegal) and they found shrooms in your car (illegal).... 2 of these things, for sure you admitted... the 3rd one is going to be a given then... pot is an illegal drug regardless if you like it or not... police are going to look at it as you're a drug abuser. End of Story... good luck, but don't look for sympathy from me. smile.gif
  13. smokin5s

    My New House

    why NWS? I don't see any bewbies
  14. he probably thought he was cool cause there was 3 Eclipse's parked in a row.
  15. sweet... thanks for the heads up, I forgot when it was due out.
  16. Alex, is it at that old Halloween store?
  17. she's sooo hot... does anyone else notice that she never looks like she's smiling in any of her pictures or on Spike?
  18. what year and school? She wouldn't be as bad if she figured out what clearasil was.
  19. smokin5s

    Fat people

    I'm feeling the not being able to work out.... another 6 months before I can get back in the gym
  20. unions should be done away with... they were great back in the depression and maybe bring them back if something like that happens again, but in today's world, they kill companies... I strongly blame unions for Lucent's demise (anyone that worked there will agree with me... because of unions, no one worked, but got paid a shit load) Quality goes through the toilet, but cost of producing goes through the roof. (I'm not saying GM's quality sucks, I'm just saying that, that is what today's union does)
  21. smokin5s

    Paypal scam

    if you put your mouse cursor over the address that it shows, then it will actually show you the address that it's linking you to
  22. is the neck massage performed by a beautiful woman?
  23. wow, good to hear that everyone is alright... CR does have a great group of people here!
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