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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. from what I know, he lives in Gahanna
  2. My sandy vag must be acting up again because I decided to not follow the rules today. I'm sorry. [ 26. April 2005, 12:40 AM: Message edited by: satan ]
  3. I know... I'm actually pretty relaxed now... sitting here drinking a beer always tends to calm the nerves tongue.gif
  4. I'm doing it publically where he can see it... I have nothing to hide and I'll say the same thing to his face.... it always strikes a nerve with me when someone will talk shit about you behind your back, but then suck up to your face.
  5. 4 things to say 1.) Don't talk shit about people to their friends unless you want them to find out about it... 2.) I don't fucking know you so you have no leg to stand on about saying anything about me... 3.) Yes, I ran a 13 second 1/4... with a 3.3 60' and still trapped 118... oh ya... my cars real fucking slow you ignorant fuck! If you would have watched it, you would have seen me spin the shit out of 1st.. let off... spin the shit out of 2nd, let off... bog down... then go sideways in 3rd... hmmmmmmmm let's see here.... ya... I'd have to say that's why I only ran a 13.... oh, and that was off the spray and untuned... If you want to see how slow my car is, line yours up... that simple... if not, SHUT THE FUCK UP! 4.) Clearasil is your friend... like it, live it, learn it now dude, I don't know you, nor do I know anything about you... but I'm not going to talk shit about you behind your back... you deffinately set off a nerve with me and I'm doing it to your face unlike you... thanks, and have a fucking great day smile.gif
  6. Jon from Slowmotion MotorSports is working with it right now.. you might want to give them a call.
  7. my bet is that the father purposely gave him that big of a gun so he would fall on his ass... hell, I would have tongue.gif j/k
  8. I paid 1.92 last night on my way to a buddies... when I left the same gas station was at 2.26
  9. I used to work 80+ a week, but now I work 40-50 + my side business which normally equates to about 10 hours a week (but that 10 hours includes some Jack Daniels and beer... so it's not too bad)
  10. smokin5s

    FS 94 Z28 parts

    do you happen to have the fog lights?
  11. that deffinately looked like it hurt.... That dude looked like he had no range of motion at all and all he could do was waddle around.... f-that
  12. that brings back allot of memories... I might have to break out the ol' emulator disk for my xbox tonight smile.gif
  13. not bad considering the profit
  14. smokin5s

    Hello Everyone

    no he wasn't... he moved beer bottles that was under his car to under my car and ended up flatening a tire of mine out at Gero's last year.
  15. oh, I got owned by the old blocked filter at work.
  16. Adam, the Stealth box is pretty nice... although no matter what... it's really hard to hear the radio with the t-tops out.
  17. nevermind... that's under 16.... I guess it's been too long since I've been a minor.
  18. it's probably a shooting star or a smudge or something.... although there has to be something else out there.... if not, life is doomed to fail if we're the smartest life forms out there.
  19. your mom legally can't cash your check... it has your name on it... not hers.... besides that.... insurance isn't cheap man... 6.50 an hour.... you can legally only work 18 hours a week while going to school... so that's what... 100 dollars a week max? after taxes.... that should be just about enough to cover insurance for you to drive... just as an FYI, until you are 18 years of age... even if you buy a car, it has to be in your parents name... so you are pigeon holded into driving what they want you too... just feel fortunate if they let you drive one at all... Also, remember, if they do try to control your car privledges... remember it's for your own good... odds are, you were doing something stupid, and doing something stupid with a car is very dangerous.... I really can't stress that one enough.
  20. maybe my internet sucks but all I see is red x's I'd rather see pics of your fiance on the bike though tongue.gif
  21. I agree a thousand percent.... 16 year olds with NO experience behind the wheel do not deserve to be driving a fast car.... they are the reason why insurance premiums are so high... I know you don't believe me, but you really need to have a few years under you belt before you drive a fast car.... believe it or not.... there are ALLOT of situations that can only be learned by experience... plus isn't a porsche RWD? Our winters aren't exactly the best.... that car would be wrecked the first snow fall. I've never had a car given to me and I'd have it no other way.... my advice for you is, tell your grand parents thank you for thinking about you... but that you would rather work for a car on your own.... get a job and buy your own rust bucket for 500 dollars.... scrub that thing, work on it... make it new again... then when you turn 21... but a fast car.... (what I did)
  22. honestly man... keep the clutch loose, but tight enough for it to hold the clutch in place, then slide the tranny in carfully then back out... then tighten... those alignment tools suck!
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