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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. Oh, I'm sure there's a lot more of them... that's what I'm concerned about... I don't want one to decide to live on one of the quads then crawl up someone's leg and bite them while they are riding... or decide that the truck or Pacifica would make them a nice home, and either build a nest and populate more of those fuckers inside the vehicle, or come bite someone when we actually do drive it. (the Pacifica I'm more worried about than the truck since it's typically just me in the truck, but the whole family piles into the Pacifica for vacations or whenever we need the additional seating.) so is this pretty common to have them in a barn? Honestly it freaked me the fuck out last night because it was sitting next to the latch that I open the garage door with so I could have easily put my hand on it and gotten bitten. I was planning on building shelves this weekend in the barn to help with the small pockets of clutter in the barn, but if I need to wear gloves and long sleve shirts and shit, I might wait until it cools down... Or just over fog the barn like a mad man, spray ortho all around the parimeter and then work on cleaning it all up afterwards. As far as our house, we have been spraying the ortho home defense stuff since it was built last fall and knock on wood, I haven't seen a single bug inside the house (except for those fucking bettles that fly in the door when you open it... hate those fuckers!)
  2. why did you take the spoiler off?
  3. I killed it of course, but what can I do to get rid of them if there are any more... my main concern is we do park our quads, tractor, and 2 of our vehicles that we don't drive every day in the barn. Since the barn has a gravel floor it's obviously not airtight or anywhere close to it. so could I let us a few bug foggers in there to take care of the issue as well as spraying that bug shit around the base of the barn similar to what I spray around my basement once a season to keep the spiders out of the house? It was definately a black widow because it had the red hour glass on it's butt. I have young children and don't need them to get harmed as well as let's face it, I don't want bit by one of those fuckers either. so what's my best course of action to elimiate these fuckers from my barn?
  4. jesus christ, that thing is 800 dollars? my wife keeps on bugging me to get tested because she said she sees me stop breathing all the time at night, but fuck spending the time and money to get tested and then have to shell out another 800 scoobs.
  5. I keep a safe under the seat that is bolted into the seat.... I just lock it up. Worst case, the gaurd will hold it until you leave the facility.
  6. 100 dollars OBO.
  7. http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj196/smokin5s/open.jpg http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj196/smokin5s/desktop.jpg http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj196/smokin5s/case.jpg http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj196/smokin5s/booting5.jpg http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj196/smokin5s/booting2.jpg http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj196/smokin5s/booting1.jpg
  8. dude, I feel your pain.
  9. wwwwwwwwwtttttttttttttttfffffffffffffffffffffffff?????????????????
  10. We just got back from traverse city.. Highly recommend it... Nice beaches and tons of stuff to do
  11. I just paid 4 dollars a ton from a place in Marion... i will have to dig up their number... Delivery is the part that hurts the most as far as cost
  12. smokin5s


    I had them but they are slow to ship and honestly expensive for when you think 2 months of gamefly buys you a game
  13. Searspartsdirect.com... Find out part number then look on amazon
  14. that's about what we were planning on doing besides walking on the beach (but not getting into the freezing water)
  15. Joe, we're still completely up in the air on what boat to purchase... we honestly want a pontoon that is fast enough to pull a tube... I'm a family man now and I want to pull my 2 girls and maybe their friends.... water ski's or anything like that won't be wanted for a long time.... John, thanks for the info... that's what I was hoping to hear... I've made about 10 feet of width in my barn where a boat could be parked and still give me room to use everything else. One other question, typically how far past the boat does the tongue of the trailer stick out?
  16. I'm pretty sure that's a metro not a cavalier
  17. we ended up reserving a room in Traverse City Michigan.
  18. well that sucks ass, I litterally purchased an older F-150 on friday.
  19. pics and info would be great... how big is the boat? any issues, etc... remember pics sell.
  20. I'm looking to purchase a boat and trying to organize my barn as such.... Typically how wide are boats while they are on the trailer? I am assuming under 10 feet wide... would that be a fair guess? (BTW, we've been looking at 20 foot and below boats)
  21. I guess I should have mentioned we're on a fairly tight budget
  22. 8 hour drive is ok. Our wedding anniversary is next week and we'd like to drive somewhere for a long weekend... Any ideas?
  23. Whats the dimensions? Does the frame have the holes to mount the wood to or will it need drilled?
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