so I have a serious question and it's not meant as racist in any way but I'm hoping this can be answered for me.... Why is it that no one alive today's grand parents or probably even great grand parents were slaves is this even an issue? I just fail to see why the racism card gets played so much. I have a guy on my team that openly tells me that he will use the age discriminiation card if I fire him.... so is this really still an issue or used as a crutch? Again, this is NOT mean to be racist, but more I'm trying to understand why this is even an issue anymore. Everyone here white, yellow, purple etc... has the ability to do the same things... if you want to be president, go for it (hell our president now is black) if you want to be a bum on the street, go for it, or if you want to be stuck in middle class hell, you can do this as well. Skies the limit... so why is this still used as much?