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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. Fuck that shit, give me sunny and 78 degrees! I'm ready for this shit to end... Although the doughnut contest I had with my neighbor tonight was fun! And up by my house we are under a lvl 2 and have ALOT of ice here
  2. y would he pay for a service when he already has a wireless router? seems like a waste of money.
  3. it's funny, txt'ing normally I can use the keyboard but while driving I have to have the keyboard... maybe a non-qwerty keyboard would be a good thing LOL The new phones coming out, can you dock it similar to how the original Droid is docked? I would hate to have to go buy an alarm clock
  4. what's the resolution on this? does it come with mounting hardware?
  5. True but I still need the feel of buttons. I can't even type worth a shit on my iPad.
  6. too bad the thunderbolt and the bionic are both just touchscreen and not slide out keyboards.
  7. hook me up with info, I need to get this electric bill cut down and those 4 hour logs SUCK for putting out heat, they just look nice.
  8. +1 I bet someone on ur block's transmitter is using ur security key
  9. sorry to hear that man, have you checked yet to see if you guys are a match so you can give her one of yours?
  10. I know where to get 20# ones for grills but since this is for my barn heater that is propaine I'd like something bigger.
  11. Auxmod basic... It plugs into the radio where a tape deck goes and gives you an aux port since Mazda doesn't put them on their cars. This thing is brand new but needs a new 3.5. Plug soldered onto it (3 pins) because in pulled it out and broke the plug. It goes for 65 and I'm willing to sell for 30
  12. At one time I would have agreed with you but I took some photos the other day with my droid that just crushed my nikon p&s. With that being said, I'm a die hard slr fan and prefer to use nothing else.
  13. fuck lifestyle... it didn't seem like a bad gym, but they fucked up my payments so many times and then I had to argue with corporate and it was a huge issue trying to get them to re-imburse me when they trippled my monthly payments within 2 months...
  14. I don't see what's so funny about that... some asshole hit a kid with a plastic toy and knocked him out.... you fail at the funnies... and that kid needs his ass beat.
  15. honestly with as good as phone cameras are anymore, why even bother with a point and shoot camera. I bought a little nikon point and shoot thinking that it would be a nice investment for when I dont want to carry around my D-SLR and found that honestly, my phone does just as good of a job as the P&S does so it just sits in the drawer and hardly ever gets used.
  16. My wife got me a mr beer brewing kit for Xmas... I need to get making some beer
  17. I hear ya about not having the heart but I think my mind would be changed if it was attacking my dogs
  18. They are all over Marengo... guess they decided to fuck with our neighbors hens the other night and ate them all. if I catch them on my property, I'm shotting at them with whatever I have even if it's just a pistol, don't want those fuckers ganging up on my dogs.
  19. A splitter will work
  20. My moser came with instructions on how to assemble it. Call them and ask them for another copy... it's not too difficult. If I remember right, I thought I had to have bearings pressed in though.
  21. screw the kills, time to buy a quad and I'm going to pull the wife and kids all over our property... that would be fun
  22. smokin5s


    I have a Roku HD and it's pretty good... I bought it to play netflix, but with all of the major consoles now streaming netflix, it collects alot of dust now... but it's never let me down. Only downside is if you don't use it for a while, you have to re-activate it in Netflix.
  23. Why did you tear out the bedroom? Are you plannng on not needing that extra bedroom?
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