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Everything posted by coryscobra

  1. I will def. check into this!!!!!
  2. Nice it looked strong...I would like to meet up with him...
  3. Sweet I have been looking for good H/C car to run.....
  4. Is he bout my age and from the westside? Whats done to it?
  5. whos pewter z-28 that went 11.70 @ 120?
  6. WOW!!!!!!!! You got an amazing deal!!!! Whats done to it?
  7. Mustangs. Period. lol. j/k I am luck I have the option of driving an 01 Camaro SS everyday or 03 Cobra kinda best of both worlds. IMO- The Mustang is built way better.
  8. I will be honest you name it and I have taken it. Tilley- I agree you will plateau when you do the same workouts over and over. Like arnold says "you need to shock the muscles if you want them to grow". So yeah just change it up every now and then.
  9. coryscobra

    Oct 24th.

    Either way let me know......
  10. Those cars are simply amazing.....
  11. Dresbacks office?? Yeah the car is extremely loud IMO I havent heard a car this loud unless they are open header.
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