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Everything posted by coryscobra

  1. There is a lot of cars in the area a lot more than people think just have to get them to get them out....
  2. Hell yeah man should run strong. What do you expect to run? Also I just read one of your previous posts....do you know Preston Vance? If so I talk to him about everyday.
  3. Yes we should...how much are you going to spray? quick-lx- Whats yourf mods or times?
  4. Nice real nice man!!! How much do you plan on spraying? When you get it done we should definatley hook up? Where do you live at? Tell him to throw a H/C/I ans some spray on that car and enjoy it life is to short not to have fun with your pride and joy. Im guessing you used to see my Blue Mach then also?
  5. Yeah i see his notch in the garage but never see him driving it? Whats done to your car?
  6. Nice car.....whats done to it or whats it run? Maybe we can meet up sometime? If you dont want to post your mods or times on here just send me a PM?
  7. Well I want to sell mine.....and dont want to mess with ebay so tell ur friends.
  8. Anybody know where I can get a Becket? I am looking at selling my basketball and football cards. I have some good ones from when I was a kid should be worth some serious money. I will let go for cheap. Let me kno if your interested in looking at them?
  9. Nice man....its crazy how these Eatons pick up in cold air!!!
  10. When I was training they wanted me to do this.....then I got staff infection...and havent been back since. If you want to become a good all around fighter grappling tournaments are a great place to start.
  11. Nice times man put some DR's on and you will def. be in the 11's!!!!
  12. White 03 Cobra...Eric change my name on here...dont have time to do it.
  13. I went 11.80 at 118. I was happy with that I have only had the car a week. Kinda impressed since it is a pullied only car.
  14. Awsome runs....I knew that would be a good race!!!!
  15. Thats what I said that car has NOTHING on the big end!!!!!
  16. Looks good man. Good luck at the dyno.
  17. Over all that loud music you could still hear Linn laughing loud and clear that was funny.
  18. Linn I might be up with my brother tonight....so text me when and where????
  19. when and where is he tuning it I am bored someone PM me?
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