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Everything posted by caseyctsv

  1. And I still say that the Z07 will own the GT in performance - A couple posted "put down the crack pipe" and "it's getting deep in here" - I want to know where I am mistaken.
  2. Just to show I am not pulling this stuff out of thin air as some who have posted obviously have. They drank to much Ford-flavored Kool Aid - 2006 Z06 3151 pounds 505 HP 1/4 - 11.6 at 126.6 MPH 0-60 - 4.0 2006 Ford GT 3497 pounds 550 HP 1/4 - 11.5 at 128.7 MPH 0-60 - 3.5 That is a current Z06 - pretty close to a driver's race - 70K sticker vs 150K sticker. The new Z07 / SS / Stingray or whatever it is called will have 150 more horsepower and will be possibly even lighter than the Z06. All for a price STILL 25K+ less. You do the math. Keep in mind I am talking performance - the GT has it all in the looks department.
  3. You don't read much about cars apparently.
  4. A Ford GT has trouble with a Z06. The GT will not touch the Z07 performance wise.
  5. Who cares about the race - we want to see the drive back to QS and L.
  6. Very nice. I wish my car was fast.
  7. I guess I should say "relatively small" and by "laid off" O mean the company closed without warning.
  8. You said "lightly modded". Oh well it doesn't matter. Everyone said you can't get a Lumina into the 12s right Buck?
  9. I appreciate all of the encouraging words. I got my resume together and started calling all of the contacts I knew. I have a lot of friends who are getting my resume in front of the right people. It was hard to see 150+ people that you have worked with for 6-10 years all losing their jobs at once - without warning. If just so happens my dad was among them. He is 60 years old. He said that for the first time he feels 60. It was very sad.
  10. LOL.... Regarding the missing dishwasher, you can borrow my wife but I can guarantee you it would be cheaper to put in a new dishwasher....or just buying new dishes everytime they are dirty - that would be cheaper as well.
  11. caseyctsv

    TomZ Wheels

    Yep ZR1s on my car came from them - good product and service!
  12. Maybe downhill...lol Nice ride - welcome to the site
  13. Hmmmm, beer, hot cars, and nude women. How could anyone pass it up?
  14. Huh? You must have me confused with someone else - my wife does not work. Oh well - on to bigger and better things!
  15. I was put in touch with someone there this afternoon. Having been in the industry over 10 years I have a lot of contacts. My services will go the highest bidder - lol.
  16. I just got put in touch with a "high-end" sales recruiter. He is pretty excited to help me find a job. Thanks for all of the suggestions - I am looking into all options. I am looking at this as an opportunity to change my life for the better. I have been pretty happy but things were getting a bit "stale". Maybe a change will do me good. Thanks again for the suggestions and good wishes!
  17. Thanks man - I appreciate it. At this point I think I am going to stay in the mortgage industry. Just work in a different part of it and stay away from a small company.
  18. Well I lost my job today. I have been there 11 years. The mortgage industry is in worse shape than you are reading. I worked for a company that was family-owned and truly tried to do everything the right way. We just could not hold on through this downturn. I have never been without a job before but somehow I feel a bit relieved. It could be a LOT worse. I have a college degree, CPA license, and 10+ years of sales experience. I am not quite sure where I am headed but I hope it is a better place. Wish me luck! Hopefully I can get something put together quickly so I don't have to sell my baby (the T/A, not my wife or kids). If anyone knows of a good, interesting opportunity let me know!
  19. Do you have a lamp that looks like a leg? Preferably made in France?
  20. AMy won't know. Her car hasn't stayed running long enough to experiment with different pullies;-)
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