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Everything posted by caseyctsv

  1. Happy Thankgiving to you and your families. Take the time to count all of the things for which you are thankful. For some this will be easy, while, for others it may be tough to find things for which you are thankful. For those I would say you are not trying hard enough - we live in an amazing country, most are surrounded by people who love them, many have awesome cars, cool kids, just to name a few. I hope you have a safe and amazing holiday with loved ones.
  2. Weather is looking good. My prediction is, if the weather is good (no rain or wind) Michigan gets throat punched. Michigan does not have the athletes across the board to face the spread. If the weather is bad or if, for some reason, OSU gets conservative Michigan will finally break through. Michigan is like Alabama with fewer star athletes. They want to grind it out get physical and throw over the top on play action every once in a while. They will come in and say my team is bigger and stronger than you - come wrestle with us. OSU needs to spread those jerks out all over the field and turn it into a race. It will be awesome to see who imposes their will. My prediction - 35-21 OSU
  3. Also had a picture of a man trying on women's clothes and a woman in a suit.
  4. We had one where we had to get a bowling pin...that one was interesting.
  5. And as far as credibility, Lauren lost it when she was singing the praises of the almighty Tennessee
  6. Lauren you have to be trolling. The B1G champ is in no matter what. The only question is whether they get 2 teams in which i think is likely if OSU is shut out of the B1G championship game. Stop hoping OSU does not make it as they may be the only team that has a chance against Alabama. To be certain, I would absolutely take Bama over OSU but I have not seen another team that has the talent to compete.
  7. Oh got it - if you support Trump you are dumb and if you support HR. You are smart. Got it. Why in the world do liberals somehow believe you have found the path to enlightenment? I have seen more hate from my liberal friends than I care to mention. The party of tolerance and understanding...rerriiight
  8. I want them to call the win for Trump before they even get to California - that would be cool.
  9. Ok one me my good friends has the following requirements for a car: 1) seats 5 2) able to tow a small trailer (just a 2 person fishing boat) 3) able to put another 100k miles (dude drives a lot and keeps cars) Here is the killer - 5-8k budget. I am like dude - spend 10-15k and this is easy. That being said, he is firm on his budget. Cars I have suggested: 2004 Nissan Xterra 2007 Explorer 2004 Toyota Highlander 2005 Volvo XC90 What am I missing - anything on this list to avoid?
  10. Thanks Tim - the car came out great. Thanks also for the ride in the S4 - I have never felt a car launch like that. That was pretty cool.
  11. If you are undecided absolutely wait for the vert. You will regret it if you dont
  12. I agree with the comments here about Nebraska - I think they get rolled by the Badgers.
  13. We did not deserve to win but not calling a pass interference on that one was BS
  14. Thanks for brining this up again...no I am all worked up about it again.
  15. I used to lease all of my cars and never had any trouble with a lease return. The return process varies depending on who financed the deal. I would suspect if the residual is a lot higher than market you would be more likely to pay some sort of damage charge. I would also expect that the smaller finance companies that lease to riskier customers from a credit perspective would be much tougher to deal with. Toyota Finance should be painless. (My info may be dated as I have not leased a car in nearly 10 years so this may not be helpful)
  16. I don't run one and am so Much less worried now that CR's favorite freeway patrolman is doing hard time.
  17. caseyctsv

    F-22 fleet

    I cannot stop laughing
  18. Aside from maybe a few more cars, there is nothing I would change about Columbus C and C. I planned to head out to Dayton but my daughter was home for Fall break. What did she want to do? Go to C and C. That's pretty cool. Thank you Clay and any others that make it happen. Now if I could get her to stop tempting me to buy a Vette all would be good.
  19. When they are playing a team that cannot match up athletically I agree. You saw that in OSU versus Indiana - OSU showed nothing. The question is: can Alabama change it up when they meet their equal athletically
  20. Yup - Alabama has the most basic offense I have ever seen
  21. Yeah I am still trying to figure out how these guys get so out of whack
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