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Everything posted by caseyctsv

  1. I would do bad things for that car.
  2. Clearly Israel's American Made weapons > homemade Palestinian rockets
  3. I sense anger in this nube. Welcome.
  4. Hopefully this will provide a bridge so that GM can get their new products to market. GM had made many cuts but they were not going to be effective until 2010 and they actually have some interesting stuff in the pipeline. The UAW needs to go though. I love the comment from the Rep from Detroit, how he appreciates the bailout but does not likle the condition that they are going to have to cut wages. Some people just don't get it.
  5. That is a great question. In fact, I will bring it up at a bible study group that I am a part of. No questions are off limits. I will say this - if not from a "higher power" what is a more plausible start to life? I hear Big Bang all of the time, and there is a lot of evidence to support it. But what caused the Big Bang?
  6. You really should read the Case for Christ. The number of items in the bible proven to be true (places, people, hitoric events) far outnumber the items brought into question. For reference "The Case for Christ" was written by the former Legal Editor for the Chicago Tribune. He was also a lawyer and an atheist. His wife was a believer and, tired of arguing with her about it, decided to use his investigative training to prove Jesus Christ did not exist and that the stories from the Bible were nothing more than legend. A way for people to explain the unexplainable. After his 2 year investigation he walked away a believer. It is well written and straight forward. he questions experts around the country about recent "theories" including "missing gospels" and the plausability of Mormonism.
  7. Be careful...many the "missing books" of the bible have been found to be complete speculation with little if any documentation.
  8. Doubters in this thread should read the book "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. I have always believed there was a higher power but also had a lot of questions and have been fighting my skepticism for the last couiple of years. I joined a Christian church about a year ago and while I am no where near where I want to be someday it has changed my life for the better. So if there is truly no God what is the harm in living a good Christian life?
  9. I owned an 02 GTI 1.8T - biggest piece of shit I have ever owned - bought it new and in 13 months left me stranded twice and had interior rattles from day 1. The quality gap is no longer a reality.
  10. My car will be worth $1 million...profit. So do we think the government can run the Big 3 better than the auto industry did? I think the government should fix its own problems before meddling in another industry. I do however, support loans to the automakers if the companies were to agree to restructure significantly - PRIOR to getting the $. This would include the UAW getting their head out of their a$$.
  11. I bought my 02 Suburban Z71 with 80K on the clock for $7000 - keep shopping
  12. +1 - I need to get rid of my kids.
  13. caseyctsv

    Wtb Ak47

    I thought this was a joke thread. Figured someone had pissed Hal off.
  14. So 13.20 in the qtr? ;-)
  15. Thanks - I have had it for 5+ years and still love it like the day I bought it.
  16. When the 4th gen WS6 came out I knew I wanted a T/A WS6 at some point. In late 2003 I saw an ad in automart that featured 2 WS6's - 1 Silver and 1 navy blue metallic. Both were 02s, had < 10K miles, and were fully loaded 6 speeds. Apparently, they were ordered by a husband and wife, driven for 12 months, then traded back in on matching Envoys. I watched the dealers ad in each automart for a month and finally my wife said go buy it! I sat in the showroom for 2 hours looking at the 2 colors trying to decide which one to buy as they were both the same price. In the end it was my daily at the time and I did not think I could keep the NBM clean. Paid 23,500. Car was absolutely 100% stock when I bought it.
  17. The clutch pedal going to the floor is typically a hydraulics problem. Search on LS1tech.com there is a thread on their somewhere about the common problems with our 6 speeds. I have the Centerforce clutch and it will be out of there this winter (I am calling AJ). Good clutch for the street but cannot hold the power at the track.
  18. Look up Earned Income Credit - you are wrong thinking you cannot get back more than you put in
  19. If you think you know you don't....lol.
  20. Congrats - I wasn't able to stay for the awards unfortunately - damn family things - lol.
  21. At least Pryor can overthrow someone running deep...lol.
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